Daily Iowan, July 15, 1919
Page 2
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, July 15, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ----------- Entered as a second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City Iowa ---------- Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge ------------ MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS ------------ Subscription Rate . . . .50 cents the summer -------------- BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer ------------- EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-inoChief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building -------------- Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) ----------------------- BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue ------------------ MODERATION Enthusiasm for one's work is a fine thing. The person who does not believe in his own line of work whole-heartedly usually does not rise very high in his profesion, or if he does it comes as a result of an increased expenditure of energy. But there is such a thing as being too much engrossed in one's own particular hobby, and forgetting that others have different interests and different viewpoints. It is hard to maintain a sense of balance which will give due weight to the claims of others; every person is inclined to think that his own way of looking at things is the right way, and to forget that every other person is entitled to the same opinion regarding himself. Certain members of the instructional staff here seem to forget that the students may be interested in any other subjects that the ones they are teaching. When a professor gives as one day's assignment nearly a whole book, he fails to take into account the fact that the student is taking a full schedule of work, and that schedule includes more than one subject. This is not a plea for "snap" courses; it is only an expression of a desire for moderation on the part of some. We are glad that these are not many, and we hope their numbers will not increase. Though it may be argued that the student is the one who will benefit from the increased amount of work accomplished, it must be remembered that if he were required to spend that much time and energy on each of his other subjects, the days would prove all too short for preparation. An extra amount of exertion is required for concentration in the summer months, too, because of the physical discomfort experienced on these hot days --------------- HIGH SCHOOLS AND CLASSICS A spirited defense of the classics comes from an unexpected quarter in an article in the Atlantic Monthly for July by Frederic Irland. As all writers of shorthand know, Mr. Irland has long been official reporter of debates in the House of Representatives, and is one of the most distinguished exponents of his profession. His plea for the classics is the more interesting because stenography is among the "practical" subjects upon which increased emphasis has been pull at the expense of "cultural" subjects. He writes vigorously and well, yet in some ways even more interesting than his article is a letter which the editors elicited from him in explanation of his lively interest in the question. When he was a boy his father was so impressed by the articles written by Spencer and Huxley against the classics and in favor of a scientific education that he was not allowed to study Latin in the high school. He took instead courses in such subjects as zoology, botany, chemistry, astronomy and geology. Now he has children ready to enter the high school, and despite Dr. Flexner and the "modern school" he believes that they schould study the clasics. In his magazine paper he gives his reasons, and in the letter which he published elsewhere in the magazine he gives his personal experience. The day after he left the high school he began work as a short-hand writer, and the pains he took explains his rise to the top of his profession: "For two years I studied medicine and surgery, to learn the nomenclature, so that as the official reporter of a court I might vanquish the expert witness at their own game, and for the same reason I studied enough law to admit me to the practice in the supreme court of the United States." But it was not till long after that he decided to study Latin and Greek: "And then I found that I had spent 10 years in learning what would have explained itself--all scientific nomenclature--if I had had a few hours of Latin and Greek for three or four years when I was a boy." His argument is supported by the results of certain tests which he induced high school teachers to make upon fourth-year pupils, only part of whom had studied Latin. These, he says, did very well in defining hard words, and he dismisses them at once, devoting the greater part of his article to the "howlers" or the students of English who surpassed Shakespeare in having no Latin at all. They are abundantly amusing but perhaps inadequate in themselves to prove his case. But it is decidedly interesting to find a man whose life work has necessarily been in so great a measure devoted to words this strong conviction of the value of Latin and Greek. Perhaps the advocates of the classics have been too diffident in their defense,--Springfield Republican. ------- COLUMBIANS STUDY PARKS A new course in National Parks has been introduced into the curriculum of the Columbia university. The. purpose of the course, according to Prof. H. M. Lehnerts of the university of Minnesota who is in charge of the course, is to encourage popular and scientific study of the meaning of scenery. ------------ THOUSAND FOR HARVARD Mrs. Georgianna B. Wright of New York City bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to Harvard university in her will which has just been filed for probate. The university is made residuary legatee of the estate, which is conservatively estimated at more than $1,000,000. -------------- WILL OCCUPY NEW HOUSES The fraternities and sororities to occupy new houses this autumn are: Delta Chis will move to 61 S. Van Buren, Sigma Pis to 501 South Clinton, Apollos to 114 East Market street, Gamma Phi Betas to 308 North Clinton street, Alpha Chi Omegas to 615 North Dubuque street. ---------- RACINE'S CIGAR STORES ******************** ******************** ******************** BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN --------------------------- UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies ******************** WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ----------------------- H. A. STRUB & CO. _______________ SUMMER DRESS GOODS--SILKS AND WASH GOODS SUMMER HOSIERY-- SUMMER UNDERWEAR-- ________________ H. A. STRUB & CO. ------------------ Let a Daily Iowan Wan Ad Do Your Work It will rent your room and find your lost articles for you.... Try One and See How It Works ------------------ YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, July 15, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published during the six weeks summer session on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City ----------- Entered as a second class matter, at the post office of Iowa City Iowa ---------- Under direction of department of journalism, Room 14, liberal arts building MILDRED E. WHITCOMB, in charge ------------ MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS ------------ Subscription Rate . . . .50 cents the summer -------------- BOARD OF TRUSTEES C. H. Weller, chairman, E. M. McEwen, Mary Anderson, Marian Dyer ------------- EDITORIAL STAFF BETH WELLMAN Editor-inoChief Telephone, Black 1757; Office hours 1-5 Daily. Room 14, L. A. building -------------- Marian Dyer Managing Editor (Rest of staff to be announced later) ----------------------- BUSINESS STAFF ROMOLA LATCHEM, Business Manager Telephone, 935; Office hours, Daily 9-12 103 Iowa Avenue ------------------ MODERATION Enthusiasm for one's work is a fine thing. The person who does not believe in his own line of work whole-heartedly usually does not rise very high in his profesion, or if he does it comes as a result of an increased expenditure of energy. But there is such a thing as being too much engrossed in one's own particular hobby, and forgetting that others have different interests and different viewpoints. It is hard to maintain a sense of balance which will give due weight to the claims of others; every person is inclined to think that his own way of looking at things is the right way, and to forget that every other person is entitled to the same opinion regarding himself. Certain members of the instructional staff here seem to forget that the students may be interested in any other subjects that the ones they are teaching. When a professor gives as one day's assignment nearly a whole book, he fails to take into account the fact that the student is taking a full schedule of work, and that schedule includes more than one subject. This is not a plea for "snap" courses; it is only an expression of a desire for moderation on the part of some. We are glad that these are not many, and we hope their numbers will not increase. Though it may be argued that the student is the one who will benefit from the increased amount of work accomplished, it must be remembered that if he were required to spend that much time and energy on each of his other subjects, the days would prove all too short for preparation. An extra amount of exertion is required for concentration in the summer months, too, because of the physical discomfort experienced on these hot days --------------- HIGH SCHOOLS AND CLASSICS A spirited defense of the classics comes from an unexpected quarter in an article in the Atlantic Monthly for July by Frederic Irland. As all writers of shorthand know, Mr. Irland has long been official reporter of debates in the House of Representatives, and is one of the most distinguished exponents of his profession. His plea for the classics is the more interesting because stenography is among the "practical" subjects upon which increased emphasis has been pull at the expense of "cultural" subjects. He writes vigorously and well, yet in some ways even more interesting than his article is a letter which the editors elicited from him in explanation of his lively interest in the question. When he was a boy his father was so impressed by the articles written by Spencer and Huxley against the classics and in favor of a scientific education that he was not allowed to study Latin in the high school. He took instead courses in such subjects as zoology, botany, chemistry, astronomy and geology. Now he has children ready to enter the high school, and despite Dr. Flexner and the "modern school" he believes that they schould study the clasics. In his magazine paper he gives his reasons, and in the letter which he published elsewhere in the magazine he gives his personal experience. The day after he left the high school he began work as a short-hand writer, and the pains he took explains his rise to the top of his profession: "For two years I studied medicine and surgery, to learn the nomenclature, so that as the official reporter of a court I might vanquish the expert witness at their own game, and for the same reason I studied enough law to admit me to the practice in the supreme court of the United States." But it was not till long after that he decided to study Latin and Greek: "And then I found that I had spent 10 years in learning what would have explained itself--all scientific nomenclature--if I had had a few hours of Latin and Greek for three or four years when I was a boy." His argument is supported by the results of certain tests which he induced high school teachers to make upon fourth-year pupils, only part of whom had studied Latin. These, he says, did very well in defining hard words, and he dismisses them at once, devoting the greater part of his article to the "howlers" or the students of English who surpassed Shakespeare in having no Latin at all. They are abundantly amusing but perhaps inadequate in themselves to prove his case. But it is decidedly interesting to find a man whose life work has necessarily been in so great a measure devoted to words this strong conviction of the value of Latin and Greek. Perhaps the advocates of the classics have been too diffident in their defense,--Springfield Republican. ------- COLUMBIANS STUDY PARKS A new course in National Parks has been introduced into the curriculum of the Columbia university. The. purpose of the course, according to Prof. H. M. Lehnerts of the university of Minnesota who is in charge of the course, is to encourage popular and scientific study of the meaning of scenery. ------------ THOUSAND FOR HARVARD Mrs. Georgianna B. Wright of New York City bequeathed several hundred thousand dollars to Harvard university in her will which has just been filed for probate. The university is made residuary legatee of the estate, which is conservatively estimated at more than $1,000,000. -------------- WILL OCCUPY NEW HOUSES The fraternities and sororities to occupy new houses this autumn are: Delta Chis will move to 61 S. Van Buren, Sigma Pis to 501 South Clinton, Apollos to 114 East Market street, Gamma Phi Betas to 308 North Clinton street, Alpha Chi Omegas to 615 North Dubuque street. ---------- RACINE'S CIGAR STORES ******************** ******************** ******************** BILLIARD PARLOR AND SODA FOUNTAIN --------------------------- UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies ******************** WATERMAN, CONKLIN AND SCHAEFFER FOUNTAIN PENS UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ----------------------- H. A. STRUB & CO. _______________ SUMMER DRESS GOODS--SILKS AND WASH GOODS SUMMER HOSIERY-- SUMMER UNDERWEAR-- ________________ H. A. STRUB & CO. ------------------ Let a Daily Iowan Wan Ad Do Your Work It will rent your room and find your lost articles for you.... Try One and See How It Works ------------------ YOUR FRIEND IN TOWN Make this bank your friend in town. Whenever you are too busy to come to the bank in person mail your deposits to us, or call up on the phone. We are always glad to be of any service to our farmers, and count it a privilege to offer you the advantages of such a service. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM
Daily Iowan Newspapers