Daily Iowan, July 15, 1919
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Tuesday, July 15, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE ______ B.I.F.F. ______ There ain't no news around this [] no more since the heat of the [] and the passing out of the live []. The editor being about crazy [] afternoon with no news and no[] to write it, says to me, Sal, you [] us a bit of clever stuff so we [] fill up between the margins, so I [] down to read B. L. T. for inspiration and this is what I got: [] the last of the four quarts that makes a gallon--just as though anyone wouldn't know that. A quotation from "Paradise Lost" which if not printed would break part of the world, I couldn't figure []. Some guy said he would sign the [] pledge if Prexy would give him back his drinks. Then there was something about Des Moines Council abolishing the [] language in Toto, but not []ing where Toto was I couldn't get the drift. After that there was more about the [] Academy,--I wish I knew what [] school he refers to. There were three items headed [] Pickers', and that gave us [] idea that we might send in a list [] this school. Wonder if he pays [] by the inch. Modesty forbids our quoting the []. But after that there was a whole lot of advice for anybody from the Skillet Fork correspondent about []rking like he and other farmers as there wouldn't be no time for [] lickor or vice problems. His []ther knew a girl named Corda []od. Then we either blushed or couldn't [] the rest like the one about Al[]son's fathers being a rabbit in Washington; and the one about the []g on the Kansas City library be ing upside down the day the Friend of Humanity, Beer, and Light Wines lit in America, we didn't know if B. L. T. meant Wilson or the president of the Irish republic. The last one was about Haig's brother helping him to win the war, and we didn't know he had a brother so we couldn't get that one either. After that what can she expect of me? SAL LIL UQEE -------------- OFFERS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS A conference with summer session students on the teaching of social problems in the high school will be held by Prof. C. M. Case, Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in room 7 liberal arts. This conerence is an outgrowth of the one which was initiated last year for the same purpose. It is being offered as a help to those who will be required to teach social problems in the high schools next year and is open to all who wish to come whether enrolled in sociology o not. ----------- LOCATED IN CEDAR RAPIDS Harold A. Grimm and Milo Chehak, pharmaceutical chemists, who received their degrees here in June, started an ethical pharmacy laboratory in Cedar Rapids last week and will ill prescriptions and do analytical work for the physicians of that city. The men have offices in the security building. --------- Theta Ki fraternity will give a dancing party at the fraternity house Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sproatt will chaperon. ------------ WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 10% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. ---------- WANTED--House or part o hose for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z--care Daily Iowan. --------- LOST--P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. ---------- WANTED--Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B. [] Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. ------------- LOST--Alpha Xi Delta pin with name of Marian Dyer engraved on back, at Park pavillion Friday night. Finder please return to Iowan office [] L. A. for reward. __________________ A HARD GAME OF TENNIS A NICE COOL SHOWER then Talc Jonteel HENRY LOUIS 124 E. College The Rexall & Kodak Store (picture of pottle with bird on it that says TALC Jonteel) ______________________ BLIZZARD COMING Br-r-r-r! How the winds blow! It's bitter cold. It's so cold. Well, no,--not this week, but soon. Soon enough so that you'd better get your coal bin filled with good, hot PYROLITE THE LONG-FLAME COAL before you go on your vacation. Coal will be scarce and high priced in the fall. It will. YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 (picture of shield that says DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER AND COAL _____________________ STUDENTS INVITED TO USE NEWSPAPERS ------------- Journalism Department andThe Daily Iowan Subscribe to Leading Dailies -------------- A number of the leading daily newspapers of the country may be found on the newspaper rack in the office of the journalism department and The Dailly Iowan. Summer session students are invited to visit the office and read these papers whenever they desire, declare officials in the office. The New York Times, Tribune, Sun,and Post are eastern papers which are i nthe journalism subscription list. The weekly Springfield Republican also comes to the office. The Chicago Tribune and the Kansas City Star and Times may be found on the rack. State papers include The Des Moines Register, the Sioux City Tribune, The Cedar Rapids Republican, and the Iowa City Press and Citizen. The Sunday editions of the Register and of the New York Tribune are to be found in the office at room 14, liberal arts. The Sunday Tribune is especially interesting because of its rotagravure section which is much more skillfully printed than similar sections in Middle-Western newspapers. These newspapers are used for study in journalism classes, but those in charge state that they are glad to have students come in to read the papers providing they do not carry them off. ------------- Mary Rice spent Sunday in Cedar Rapids. Jeanette Rogers, Kappa Kappa Gamma, is here for an operation on her foot. Dean and Mrs. Carl E. Seashore will give an informal reception for graduate students of the summer session tonight at 8 o'clock at their home, 815 North Linn street. Henning Larson, formerly of the English department, has been in Christiania, Sweden the past year where he has been assistant military attache. He will return to the University in the fall and resume his work in the English department. Mr. Champion, who was graduated from the college of applied science in June, is now superintendent of public works in Holland, Mich. He is directing this work so efficiently that the city has become an example of public ownership, declares Dean W. G. Raymond. Muriel Voss, who has been attending summer school, visited at Keokuk this week-end. While there she hurt her ankle diving from a spring board, and is in such a condition that she will have to discontinue her summer workat the University and return to her home in St. James, Minn. C. H. Curry and Alvin A. Hanapel, June graduates, are now connected with the Big Four railroad. -------------- IOWA GRADS AT DENECKE'S Seven University men and women are now in the employee of Denecke's department store in Cedar Rapids. Prof. C. E. Kurtz of the commerce department and extension division is business research manager there. Graduates and students in the employee of the the firm are: Russell Lemley, Ruth Rogers, Ether Verry, Elmer Dunkelberg, Homer Brown, and Ruth Ford. ------------------------ TRY THE Bon=Ton Cafe For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout ----------------------- WRIGLEY'S The longest- lasting benefit, the greates satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEY'S in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT WRAPPED IN UNITED (PROFIT-SHARING) COUPONS The Flavor Lasts 30 --------------------
Tuesday, July 15, 1919 THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE ______ B.I.F.F. ______ There ain't no news around this [] no more since the heat of the [] and the passing out of the live []. The editor being about crazy [] afternoon with no news and no[] to write it, says to me, Sal, you [] us a bit of clever stuff so we [] fill up between the margins, so I [] down to read B. L. T. for inspiration and this is what I got: [] the last of the four quarts that makes a gallon--just as though anyone wouldn't know that. A quotation from "Paradise Lost" which if not printed would break part of the world, I couldn't figure []. Some guy said he would sign the [] pledge if Prexy would give him back his drinks. Then there was something about Des Moines Council abolishing the [] language in Toto, but not []ing where Toto was I couldn't get the drift. After that there was more about the [] Academy,--I wish I knew what [] school he refers to. There were three items headed [] Pickers', and that gave us [] idea that we might send in a list [] this school. Wonder if he pays [] by the inch. Modesty forbids our quoting the []. But after that there was a whole lot of advice for anybody from the Skillet Fork correspondent about []rking like he and other farmers as there wouldn't be no time for [] lickor or vice problems. His []ther knew a girl named Corda []od. Then we either blushed or couldn't [] the rest like the one about Al[]son's fathers being a rabbit in Washington; and the one about the []g on the Kansas City library be ing upside down the day the Friend of Humanity, Beer, and Light Wines lit in America, we didn't know if B. L. T. meant Wilson or the president of the Irish republic. The last one was about Haig's brother helping him to win the war, and we didn't know he had a brother so we couldn't get that one either. After that what can she expect of me? SAL LIL UQEE -------------- OFFERS CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL PROBLEMS A conference with summer session students on the teaching of social problems in the high school will be held by Prof. C. M. Case, Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 in room 7 liberal arts. This conerence is an outgrowth of the one which was initiated last year for the same purpose. It is being offered as a help to those who will be required to teach social problems in the high schools next year and is open to all who wish to come whether enrolled in sociology o not. ----------- LOCATED IN CEDAR RAPIDS Harold A. Grimm and Milo Chehak, pharmaceutical chemists, who received their degrees here in June, started an ethical pharmacy laboratory in Cedar Rapids last week and will ill prescriptions and do analytical work for the physicians of that city. The men have offices in the security building. --------- Theta Ki fraternity will give a dancing party at the fraternity house Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sproatt will chaperon. ------------ WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 10% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. ---------- WANTED--House or part o hose for summer months for the upkeep or reasonable rent. Responsible person. Address Z--care Daily Iowan. --------- LOST--P. E. O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. ---------- WANTED--Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B. [] Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. ------------- LOST--Alpha Xi Delta pin with name of Marian Dyer engraved on back, at Park pavillion Friday night. Finder please return to Iowan office [] L. A. for reward. __________________ A HARD GAME OF TENNIS A NICE COOL SHOWER then Talc Jonteel HENRY LOUIS 124 E. College The Rexall & Kodak Store (picture of pottle with bird on it that says TALC Jonteel) ______________________ BLIZZARD COMING Br-r-r-r! How the winds blow! It's bitter cold. It's so cold. Well, no,--not this week, but soon. Soon enough so that you'd better get your coal bin filled with good, hot PYROLITE THE LONG-FLAME COAL before you go on your vacation. Coal will be scarce and high priced in the fall. It will. YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 (picture of shield that says DUNLAP QUALITY SERVICE PRICE LUMBER AND COAL _____________________ STUDENTS INVITED TO USE NEWSPAPERS ------------- Journalism Department andThe Daily Iowan Subscribe to Leading Dailies -------------- A number of the leading daily newspapers of the country may be found on the newspaper rack in the office of the journalism department and The Dailly Iowan. Summer session students are invited to visit the office and read these papers whenever they desire, declare officials in the office. The New York Times, Tribune, Sun,and Post are eastern papers which are i nthe journalism subscription list. The weekly Springfield Republican also comes to the office. The Chicago Tribune and the Kansas City Star and Times may be found on the rack. State papers include The Des Moines Register, the Sioux City Tribune, The Cedar Rapids Republican, and the Iowa City Press and Citizen. The Sunday editions of the Register and of the New York Tribune are to be found in the office at room 14, liberal arts. The Sunday Tribune is especially interesting because of its rotagravure section which is much more skillfully printed than similar sections in Middle-Western newspapers. These newspapers are used for study in journalism classes, but those in charge state that they are glad to have students come in to read the papers providing they do not carry them off. ------------- Mary Rice spent Sunday in Cedar Rapids. Jeanette Rogers, Kappa Kappa Gamma, is here for an operation on her foot. Dean and Mrs. Carl E. Seashore will give an informal reception for graduate students of the summer session tonight at 8 o'clock at their home, 815 North Linn street. Henning Larson, formerly of the English department, has been in Christiania, Sweden the past year where he has been assistant military attache. He will return to the University in the fall and resume his work in the English department. Mr. Champion, who was graduated from the college of applied science in June, is now superintendent of public works in Holland, Mich. He is directing this work so efficiently that the city has become an example of public ownership, declares Dean W. G. Raymond. Muriel Voss, who has been attending summer school, visited at Keokuk this week-end. While there she hurt her ankle diving from a spring board, and is in such a condition that she will have to discontinue her summer workat the University and return to her home in St. James, Minn. C. H. Curry and Alvin A. Hanapel, June graduates, are now connected with the Big Four railroad. -------------- IOWA GRADS AT DENECKE'S Seven University men and women are now in the employee of Denecke's department store in Cedar Rapids. Prof. C. E. Kurtz of the commerce department and extension division is business research manager there. Graduates and students in the employee of the the firm are: Russell Lemley, Ruth Rogers, Ether Verry, Elmer Dunkelberg, Homer Brown, and Ruth Ford. ------------------------ TRY THE Bon=Ton Cafe For a Good Square Meal Tables For Ladies Newly Furnished Throughout ----------------------- WRIGLEY'S The longest- lasting benefit, the greates satisfaction for your sweet tooth. WRIGLEY'S in the sealed packages. Air-tight and impurity-proof. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT WRAPPED IN UNITED (PROFIT-SHARING) COUPONS The Flavor Lasts 30 --------------------
Daily Iowan Newspapers