Daily Iowan, July 17, 1919
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-P.E.O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. WANTED-Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B. T. Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. LOST-Alpha Xi Delta pin with name of Marian Dyer engraved on back, at Park pavillion Friday night. Finder please return to Iowan office 14 L.A. for reward. LOST - Phi Delta Kappa pin. Phone 241. WANTED - Corona typewriter in good condition; cash. Call 1015. WRITES ON IOWA'S CARE OF CHILDREN Wisconsin Woman From Department of Journalism Visited Welfare Station "What the University of Iowa is doing for the Children of Iowa", a booklet published by the extension division recently, is being given considerable attention by the University of Wisconsin. Mrs. Floyd Nichols, from the agricultural journalism department of the University of Wisconsin was sent to the University two weeks ago to study the work in our child welfare station conducted in connection with the extension division. Dr. Amy L. Daniels, conducted her about the Children's Hospital and other places of interest. On her return to Madison, Mrs. Nichols took with her a number of the booklets, "What the University of Iowa is doing for the Children of Iowa" which explain the practical working and the results of the Perkin's law providing for the care of the crippled children of the state. This week a letter was received from Mrs. Nichols by the Extension Division asking that they send to her a number of the cuts included in this booklet. She assured Mr. Klingaman that the cuts would be used in a way of which the University might be pleased. She is intending to make them the feature of an article she is writing for one of the best known farm journals published in Wisconsin. Prof. E.W. Patterson, of the University of Colorado instructional staff who has been teaching in the law college here during the summer session, will return to Colorado at the end of the first term. SOLDIERS LETTERS (Continued from page 2) Flume. I am inclined to agree with them. How serious it will be though there is no way of telling. In Vienna there is a lot of trouble all the time on account of the lack of food. Our mission gives tons and tons of food to the children there and still it almost makes a man's heart bleed to hear of the terrible conditions. We get them by word of mouth which brings them all the closer to us. I sincerely hope that the peace is made with Austria soon so that al blockades will be lifted and these peoples can begin to trade in the normal way. There will be dissension and suffering for a long time but it is the only salvation for them and must begin sometime. Altogether too much time has been wasted in Pairs over non-essentials. Further down in Southeastern Europe conditions are worse than in Vienna and we have kitchens for feeding the youngsters all over that part. Many, many cases are on record where children went barefoot all winter, with only a crust of black bread and a bit of soup for all day. It was impossible to continue the [advertisement] PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mary V. Burns Manuscripts copied Suite 8, Paul-Helen Bldg. [advertisement] The Right Way to Handle Money Everyone who has an income ought to have a checking account and pay his or her bills by check. That this method of spending money is the most prudent and economical one there is, is proved by the fact that 90 per cent of the country's business is handled in this manner. A checking account is no luxury. It costs nothing, Pass books, check books and other supplies are furnished free. Avail yourself of this convenience by opening on account here-today. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA schools as they were too weak to sit at a desk. There are other cases where epidemics of one kind of another carried off thousands. Not a very nice condition for the world to be in, is it? But things are on the mend now and this year's harvests will soon be in to give help. It is estimated that there will be enough to tide them over till next year with outside help. But we are not going to stay here much longer as it is better for the various countries to walk on their own feet and we have work to do at home. I expect to be back in America sometime in August and will be in Iowa City, where I hope to see you and where I can tell you more about this thing. For the time I will close. Sincerely, Harry J. Corcoran, Applied Science, '16. [advertisement] LOOK HERE Something you need The reduced prices at which these Fine Summer Shoes for Men, Women and Children are marked for quick disposal are the outcome of a keen desire to keep our stock clean from criticism, by making room early for the New Fall Styles which will put in their appearance soon. And we believe the verdict will be unanimous that the values will stand resolutely for SENSIBLE SAVINGS IN FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Every style in our store is included in this Sale, the original prices are marked in plain figures - the reduced prices are as genuine as the quality is true. Bring us your shoe repairing KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 SOUTH CLINTON ST [advertisement] The Big July Clearance Sale is Now Going On Every article in our store reduced 10 to 50 per cent Our advice to you -- Buy Now Prices are advancing every month Every article guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money cheerfully refunded Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN, STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. LOST-P.E.O. pin. Finder return to Fannie Gilmore, Currier Hall. WANTED-Mother's helper for three small children in home of University professor. Write details of experience and references to Mrs. B. T. Baldwin, 409 S. Third St., Clarksburg, W. Va. LOST-Alpha Xi Delta pin with name of Marian Dyer engraved on back, at Park pavillion Friday night. Finder please return to Iowan office 14 L.A. for reward. LOST - Phi Delta Kappa pin. Phone 241. WANTED - Corona typewriter in good condition; cash. Call 1015. WRITES ON IOWA'S CARE OF CHILDREN Wisconsin Woman From Department of Journalism Visited Welfare Station "What the University of Iowa is doing for the Children of Iowa", a booklet published by the extension division recently, is being given considerable attention by the University of Wisconsin. Mrs. Floyd Nichols, from the agricultural journalism department of the University of Wisconsin was sent to the University two weeks ago to study the work in our child welfare station conducted in connection with the extension division. Dr. Amy L. Daniels, conducted her about the Children's Hospital and other places of interest. On her return to Madison, Mrs. Nichols took with her a number of the booklets, "What the University of Iowa is doing for the Children of Iowa" which explain the practical working and the results of the Perkin's law providing for the care of the crippled children of the state. This week a letter was received from Mrs. Nichols by the Extension Division asking that they send to her a number of the cuts included in this booklet. She assured Mr. Klingaman that the cuts would be used in a way of which the University might be pleased. She is intending to make them the feature of an article she is writing for one of the best known farm journals published in Wisconsin. Prof. E.W. Patterson, of the University of Colorado instructional staff who has been teaching in the law college here during the summer session, will return to Colorado at the end of the first term. SOLDIERS LETTERS (Continued from page 2) Flume. I am inclined to agree with them. How serious it will be though there is no way of telling. In Vienna there is a lot of trouble all the time on account of the lack of food. Our mission gives tons and tons of food to the children there and still it almost makes a man's heart bleed to hear of the terrible conditions. We get them by word of mouth which brings them all the closer to us. I sincerely hope that the peace is made with Austria soon so that al blockades will be lifted and these peoples can begin to trade in the normal way. There will be dissension and suffering for a long time but it is the only salvation for them and must begin sometime. Altogether too much time has been wasted in Pairs over non-essentials. Further down in Southeastern Europe conditions are worse than in Vienna and we have kitchens for feeding the youngsters all over that part. Many, many cases are on record where children went barefoot all winter, with only a crust of black bread and a bit of soup for all day. It was impossible to continue the [advertisement] PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Mary V. Burns Manuscripts copied Suite 8, Paul-Helen Bldg. [advertisement] The Right Way to Handle Money Everyone who has an income ought to have a checking account and pay his or her bills by check. That this method of spending money is the most prudent and economical one there is, is proved by the fact that 90 per cent of the country's business is handled in this manner. A checking account is no luxury. It costs nothing, Pass books, check books and other supplies are furnished free. Avail yourself of this convenience by opening on account here-today. FIRST NATIONAL BANK IOWA CITY, IOWA schools as they were too weak to sit at a desk. There are other cases where epidemics of one kind of another carried off thousands. Not a very nice condition for the world to be in, is it? But things are on the mend now and this year's harvests will soon be in to give help. It is estimated that there will be enough to tide them over till next year with outside help. But we are not going to stay here much longer as it is better for the various countries to walk on their own feet and we have work to do at home. I expect to be back in America sometime in August and will be in Iowa City, where I hope to see you and where I can tell you more about this thing. For the time I will close. Sincerely, Harry J. Corcoran, Applied Science, '16. [advertisement] LOOK HERE Something you need The reduced prices at which these Fine Summer Shoes for Men, Women and Children are marked for quick disposal are the outcome of a keen desire to keep our stock clean from criticism, by making room early for the New Fall Styles which will put in their appearance soon. And we believe the verdict will be unanimous that the values will stand resolutely for SENSIBLE SAVINGS IN FOOTWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Every style in our store is included in this Sale, the original prices are marked in plain figures - the reduced prices are as genuine as the quality is true. Bring us your shoe repairing KRUEGER BROS. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 108 SOUTH CLINTON ST [advertisement] The Big July Clearance Sale is Now Going On Every article in our store reduced 10 to 50 per cent Our advice to you -- Buy Now Prices are advancing every month Every article guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money cheerfully refunded Bremer's GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
Daily Iowan Newspapers