Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, January 1864-July 1864
1864-06-08 -- 1864-06-13
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The 17th A.C. goes to the fron[t?] they having come from Clifton by land, ([300?] miles) They are nearly all veterans. The 19" Ill start home. 9 details load rations cavalry dash into Calhoun trains stopped. They do no harm 10" move to the river and camp waiting for our train to load, 11" Waiting for our train to load Cars run over the bridge for the first time. Rain, rain, rain, 12th Get away at 5 A.M. amid a beautifully cold rain, march on the RR to Altoona Station where we find the 7th Ohio returning home. with 84 men out of 1000, 3 years ago. and camp 1 mile on road with the roads being so bad that our train can hardly get along at all, march 8 miles 13th Get up at 3, but do not move out Rain all day. the train sticking in the mud [illegible -- code?]
The 17th A.C. goes to the fron[t?] they having come from Clifton by land, ([300?] miles) They are nearly all veterans. The 19" Ill start home. 9 details load rations cavalry dash into Calhoun trains stopped. They do no harm 10" move to the river and camp waiting for our train to load, 11" Waiting for our train to load Cars run over the bridge for the first time. Rain, rain, rain, 12th Get away at 5 A.M. amid a beautifully cold rain, march on the RR to Altoona Station where we find the 7th Ohio returning home. with 84 men out of 1000, 3 years ago. and camp 1 mile on road with the roads being so bad that our train can hardly get along at all, march 8 miles 13th Get up at 3, but do not move out Rain all day. the train sticking in the mud [illegible -- code?]
Civil War Diaries and Letters