Joseph Kohout letters, 1863-1865
1865-01-01 Page 01
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Camp, I.N. Savannah, Gorge January. The 1st, 1865 Dear Father & Mother & Sister It is with the gratest of plesure that I Sat don to lat you know that I am well and I hope that those fue lins may find you the Same I reseved a latter from you that was writen the 11 of dec. and that gave me grate Satasfaction that you was oll well and doing So well. you wrote that you bout garre tomme out that one of the best thing that Father aver don he will pay for it and he wont hardly knowit I Sand Fother 80 dolers and Fred the Same Fred Sase if Fother wants tho Ceap that 80 dolers of his he can but I think that he wont want it if
Camp, I.N. Savannah, Gorge January. The 1st, 1865 Dear Father & Mother & Sister It is with the gratest of plesure that I Sat don to lat you know that I am well and I hope that those fue lins may find you the Same I reseved a latter from you that was writen the 11 of dec. and that gave me grate Satasfaction that you was oll well and doing So well. you wrote that you bout garre tomme out that one of the best thing that Father aver don he will pay for it and he wont hardly knowit I Sand Fother 80 dolers and Fred the Same Fred Sase if Fother wants tho Ceap that 80 dolers of his he can but I think that he wont want it if
Civil War Diaries and Letters