Mead family papers, January-May 1865
1865-01-22-Page 02
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to eat dinner with us I think we would like to see you very much you must fetch me home a shell Ella has that little one you sent home Mother sent it to her in a letter the children have grown so you would hardly know them Anderson went to school the other day and stayed all day he said he would bet $4 that he would not get any black marks. our hens are laying we got 17 yesterday corn is selling for 60 cts wheat $1,30 oats 40 cts molasses $1,25 we have sold [30?] gal and have over 50 left we have now about 400 bushels of corn we can sell 100 bush and 100 bush of wheat we have 16 head of cattle and 8 hogs store hogs are worth 8 cts per pound one of our neighbors is feeding some cattle he has been offered $75 per head. if we have good luck we shall put in more grain this year as we wont have to move this spring we have taken 10 acres to put in to corn he calculates to sow about 15 acres of wheat we have engaged 45 apple trees and some grapes and some pear trees we are going to keep Elen here this summer if she will stay and she says she will I told her if she would stay till she went to house keeping I would give her a cow we had a turkey New years and had a good time I must stop writing as I have written trash enough for this time this from your ever affectionate Sister P M Hopkins (Vertically down, at left:-) write soon and dont forget
to eat dinner with us I think we would like to see you very much you must fetch me home a shell Ella has that little one you sent home Mother sent it to her in a letter the children have grown so you would hardly know them Anderson went to school the other day and stayed all day he said he would bet $4 that he would not get any black marks. our hens are laying we got 17 yesterday corn is selling for 60 cts wheat $1,30 oats 40 cts molasses $1,25 we have sold [30?] gal and have over 50 left we have now about 400 bushels of corn we can sell 100 bush and 100 bush of wheat we have 16 head of cattle and 8 hogs store hogs are worth 8 cts per pound one of our neighbors is feeding some cattle he has been offered $75 per head. if we have good luck we shall put in more grain this year as we wont have to move this spring we have taken 10 acres to put in to corn he calculates to sow about 15 acres of wheat we have engaged 45 apple trees and some grapes and some pear trees we are going to keep Elen here this summer if she will stay and she says she will I told her if she would stay till she went to house keeping I would give her a cow we had a turkey New years and had a good time I must stop writing as I have written trash enough for this time this from your ever affectionate Sister P M Hopkins (Vertically down, at left:-) write soon and dont forget
Civil War Diaries and Letters