Jacob Harrison Allspaugh diary, November 1864-January 1865
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lay still all day, but no enemy came, Some of our foragers were caught while out 8 miles from camp. Three of 31" were taken, the remainder "run for it" and came in safely, "Old Kill" cut the RR at Wanesboro & took a train of cars. The weather is beautiful now almost warm as summer, Can't see why we are lying here so long, Think we should be pushing through. Richmond is reported evacuated. We have at last got the Election returns Lincoln carrying all but three states ie Ky Md & N.J.
lay still all day, but no enemy came, Some of our foragers were caught while out 8 miles from camp. Three of 31" were taken, the remainder "run for it" and came in safely, "Old Kill" cut the RR at Wanesboro & took a train of cars. The weather is beautiful now almost warm as summer, Can't see why we are lying here so long, Think we should be pushing through. Richmond is reported evacuated. We have at last got the Election returns Lincoln carrying all but three states ie Ky Md & N.J.
Civil War Diaries and Letters