Bean family letters, 1845-1860
1846-01-01 Page 02
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on the Last Day of Lectures for /45 - the professors Individualy and Collectively Extended a Cordial Invitation to the Students to Visit them at thare Respective Homes on New Years day Accordingly without a Dissenting Voice the Students Commenced the Round of Visiting & were Recd in Genteel Style first Having an Introduction to the professors Ladies & next an Invitation to partake of Refreshment of the choicest & most costly Kind Great Variety So Much that it would be unbecoming & almost Impossible to partake of all the Different Kinds. I paid all the professors a Visit & Then Repaired to the City Hall & shook Hands with; and tok a glass of Lemonade & 1 cake with the Mayor - crossed the River and took a view of the Navy Yard. There is probably upwards of 70 cords of swivels packed; some 30 stacks of Cannon Balls & In all Some Hundred Rods in Right Lines occupied by cannon placed Some 3 or 4 feet apart; Several Ships of war Lying at anchor the Largest of which carries or has 96 guns projecting through Her Sides in 5 tiers one above another first on Either Side Has 14 the other two tiers Length wise the Ship Have Eighteen Each - Jany 2nd. Well Mary You are a good girl to write often This Morning I Recd Yours of the 19th December It Had probably been in the City for 3 or 4 Day but owing to HolliDays Most all Branches of Business are Neglected More or Less. & The Janitor of The Colledge Has been Holding His Hollidays & was not Verry prompt in the Discharge of His Duty. I assure You Mary that a communication from Your pen {(Faintly, between lines): Here is the place to begin Back Reading} is by Me Recd. with the Greatest pleasure notwithstanding the Kiss was Erased but never mind when I come Home I shall Get from Thy Sweet Lips 2 of Them & perhaps 3 & will pay Them Back with Jewish Interest John will send his pa one Every Time & take care of pas side of the Bed - Oh He is a trusty Boy - & as the Scotchman would Say & so is His Mother. Father and Mother Do not feel Disposed to write. Certainly I should be Happy to Hear from them by thare own Hand writing (Upside-down, between lines of main letter:-) well Mary in the second Letter I wrote I Have Thought perhaps You Might So construe it as to think there was something unkind in it; but there was nothing in that Sight Intended;- and as this seems to be a favorable opportunity for me to make The matter perfectly satisfactory. would say that I Did not take into consideration the Distance; from & and other Disadvantages You Labor in getting news to & from the postoffice. Therefore I would have You take it for granted that Though There may be seeming Reproach there is Nothing of the Kind intended and for the truth of the foregoing I will appeal to Your Better Judgement & my past Life. Mary I would Here with Your permission take the Liberty to adopt the words of the Roman soldier who was In Keeping of The Dungeon after a memorable Battle in which Alonzo was captured & Pizarro was victorious Alonzos friend Sought an Interview &c &c Says to Him Soldier Hast Thou wife & children I have. Dost Thou Love Them? God Knows my Heart; I Do . & when I. am. A. A. B. God Knows my Heart I Do, and would not by word or Deed Do any thing to mar their feelings or obscure that unearthly fondness Has upon me so often been shed from my Dark Eyes - I Take for granted aprior This will be a Sufficient apology if an apology was needed - I would say I am Verry well Satisfied with the course of correspondence You at present pursue; and thank You Verry Kindly. for the Interest You take in calming the spiritual sea that may possibly at times be Much Too Easily agitated - Still it is Hard for one to Deprive Himself almost Inestimable Enjoyment. - Mary You probably Reccollect on a certain Evening before You name or Happiness was so Intimately Connected with mine as it now is; We Rode to Conneautville and attended church in the Evening & on our Return Home while coming up Meeting House Hill I spoke to you of a certain would be sister in Law & it seems You Have now the __ of __ an acquaintance with Her
on the Last Day of Lectures for /45 - the professors Individualy and Collectively Extended a Cordial Invitation to the Students to Visit them at thare Respective Homes on New Years day Accordingly without a Dissenting Voice the Students Commenced the Round of Visiting & were Recd in Genteel Style first Having an Introduction to the professors Ladies & next an Invitation to partake of Refreshment of the choicest & most costly Kind Great Variety So Much that it would be unbecoming & almost Impossible to partake of all the Different Kinds. I paid all the professors a Visit & Then Repaired to the City Hall & shook Hands with; and tok a glass of Lemonade & 1 cake with the Mayor - crossed the River and took a view of the Navy Yard. There is probably upwards of 70 cords of swivels packed; some 30 stacks of Cannon Balls & In all Some Hundred Rods in Right Lines occupied by cannon placed Some 3 or 4 feet apart; Several Ships of war Lying at anchor the Largest of which carries or has 96 guns projecting through Her Sides in 5 tiers one above another first on Either Side Has 14 the other two tiers Length wise the Ship Have Eighteen Each - Jany 2nd. Well Mary You are a good girl to write often This Morning I Recd Yours of the 19th December It Had probably been in the City for 3 or 4 Day but owing to HolliDays Most all Branches of Business are Neglected More or Less. & The Janitor of The Colledge Has been Holding His Hollidays & was not Verry prompt in the Discharge of His Duty. I assure You Mary that a communication from Your pen {(Faintly, between lines): Here is the place to begin Back Reading} is by Me Recd. with the Greatest pleasure notwithstanding the Kiss was Erased but never mind when I come Home I shall Get from Thy Sweet Lips 2 of Them & perhaps 3 & will pay Them Back with Jewish Interest John will send his pa one Every Time & take care of pas side of the Bed - Oh He is a trusty Boy - & as the Scotchman would Say & so is His Mother. Father and Mother Do not feel Disposed to write. Certainly I should be Happy to Hear from them by thare own Hand writing (Upside-down, between lines of main letter:-) well Mary in the second Letter I wrote I Have Thought perhaps You Might So construe it as to think there was something unkind in it; but there was nothing in that Sight Intended;- and as this seems to be a favorable opportunity for me to make The matter perfectly satisfactory. would say that I Did not take into consideration the Distance; from & and other Disadvantages You Labor in getting news to & from the postoffice. Therefore I would have You take it for granted that Though There may be seeming Reproach there is Nothing of the Kind intended and for the truth of the foregoing I will appeal to Your Better Judgement & my past Life. Mary I would Here with Your permission take the Liberty to adopt the words of the Roman soldier who was In Keeping of The Dungeon after a memorable Battle in which Alonzo was captured & Pizarro was victorious Alonzos friend Sought an Interview &c &c Says to Him Soldier Hast Thou wife & children I have. Dost Thou Love Them? God Knows my Heart; I Do . & when I. am. A. A. B. God Knows my Heart I Do, and would not by word or Deed Do any thing to mar their feelings or obscure that unearthly fondness Has upon me so often been shed from my Dark Eyes - I Take for granted aprior This will be a Sufficient apology if an apology was needed - I would say I am Verry well Satisfied with the course of correspondence You at present pursue; and thank You Verry Kindly. for the Interest You take in calming the spiritual sea that may possibly at times be Much Too Easily agitated - Still it is Hard for one to Deprive Himself almost Inestimable Enjoyment. - Mary You probably Reccollect on a certain Evening before You name or Happiness was so Intimately Connected with mine as it now is; We Rode to Conneautville and attended church in the Evening & on our Return Home while coming up Meeting House Hill I spoke to you of a certain would be sister in Law & it seems You Have now the __ of __ an acquaintance with Her
Civil War Diaries and Letters