Bean family letters, 1862-1863
1862-10-07 Page 01
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Fredrick Maryland Oct 7th 1862 Business professions in this old C.H. is for the present somewhat Settled; all the cases I have on hand now bid fair to Recover none that are suffering much; consequently I have a much Easier time. can Sleep plenty and write at My Leisure unless there is a new supply of patients; all those Most Severely Injured have Died, 2. Gun Shot in chest 1 from Internal Haemorhage 1 from Internal & Secondary haemorhage & Spachelus. 1. from fracture of Skull & Seconday haemorrhage. 1. G.S. fracture of trochanter. M. (Upper End of Thigh operation performed. constitutional Sympathy & terminated in Spachelus. 41. others in my charge have & will Recover The Ladies that Visit the Hospital compliment me for my supposed skilfull management of some cases of spreading Gangrene after amputation; and urge me to turn my attention to.1. case of Amputation on Surgeon Pease Side of of the Hospital which I, agred to assuring them the Dr is a verry considerate kind man; is willing to have me Relieve Him Ad Libitum
Fredrick Maryland Oct 7th 1862 Business professions in this old C.H. is for the present somewhat Settled; all the cases I have on hand now bid fair to Recover none that are suffering much; consequently I have a much Easier time. can Sleep plenty and write at My Leisure unless there is a new supply of patients; all those Most Severely Injured have Died, 2. Gun Shot in chest 1 from Internal Haemorhage 1 from Internal & Secondary haemorhage & Spachelus. 1. from fracture of Skull & Seconday haemorrhage. 1. G.S. fracture of trochanter. M. (Upper End of Thigh operation performed. constitutional Sympathy & terminated in Spachelus. 41. others in my charge have & will Recover The Ladies that Visit the Hospital compliment me for my supposed skilfull management of some cases of spreading Gangrene after amputation; and urge me to turn my attention to.1. case of Amputation on Surgeon Pease Side of of the Hospital which I, agred to assuring them the Dr is a verry considerate kind man; is willing to have me Relieve Him Ad Libitum
Civil War Diaries and Letters