Bean family letters, 1862-1863
1862-11-25 -- 1862-11-27 Page 01
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Nine o'clock Dc 1st. This Letter Goes to the PO office I think in 3 Days you will hear from me again Frederick City Nov 25th. 62 Mrs Bean & Family without offering any Excuse for Long silence; have Merely to Say; The Recuperative powers in My System with a Little assistance from Medicine; Serve Me Remarkably in Relieving My System from the Depressing Influence of Poisonous Effluvia to which I am Daily Exposed; or Rather was Daily Exposed; am having at present a comparatively Easy time;- but as I am in charge of the Hospital at present, & probably Shall be untill it Closes; There Devolves Upon Me an Extra Amt.. of Care & Responsibility - Dr Pease of whom I Spoke in a former Letter is Still Sick; Typhoid Fever: Has been ordered to His, 16th Mass Regiment: His Perfect Dependence has Sobered Him some - not necessary to Dilate upon this point farther than to Say, a few Days ago I, made My Visit Rather Late in the Morning; and a Mass Lady wh was in att. upon Her Son in the Same Room; Coolly Remarked that the patients were doing as well as could be Expected considering the care they had; You can Readily predict the Spirit if not the Letter of the answer I as quickly answered; Madam These two patients Receive 5 or 10 Times the Amt.. of attention Due them in proportion to there numbers; if that is not Satisfactory, I do not know of a Remedy - Affect quite Anodyne 27 Nov Thanksgiving There has been a surprise party here to Day for the Benefit of Soldiers & Nurses they were furnished with a Choice Thanksgiving Dinner Roast Turkey; Chicken & pigeon & Oysters Stewed. The Ladies were here before 12 M. Thus Displacing the Hospital Dinner; Common; Eclipseing it Entirely. I had a good dinner of Baked Chicken & Pudding Boiled potatoes, Turnip, Apple butter, cheese Butter, Tea & trimmings - Via we live well Enough, but cannot Eat Much without being sick - I have Not Received any Money Since I came here Not a Dollar- Do you see the point, one point You will Readily see The point of My Not sending any Home. Pay Day Must come sooner or Later - May be I shall come home before Long.
Nine o'clock Dc 1st. This Letter Goes to the PO office I think in 3 Days you will hear from me again Frederick City Nov 25th. 62 Mrs Bean & Family without offering any Excuse for Long silence; have Merely to Say; The Recuperative powers in My System with a Little assistance from Medicine; Serve Me Remarkably in Relieving My System from the Depressing Influence of Poisonous Effluvia to which I am Daily Exposed; or Rather was Daily Exposed; am having at present a comparatively Easy time;- but as I am in charge of the Hospital at present, & probably Shall be untill it Closes; There Devolves Upon Me an Extra Amt.. of Care & Responsibility - Dr Pease of whom I Spoke in a former Letter is Still Sick; Typhoid Fever: Has been ordered to His, 16th Mass Regiment: His Perfect Dependence has Sobered Him some - not necessary to Dilate upon this point farther than to Say, a few Days ago I, made My Visit Rather Late in the Morning; and a Mass Lady wh was in att. upon Her Son in the Same Room; Coolly Remarked that the patients were doing as well as could be Expected considering the care they had; You can Readily predict the Spirit if not the Letter of the answer I as quickly answered; Madam These two patients Receive 5 or 10 Times the Amt.. of attention Due them in proportion to there numbers; if that is not Satisfactory, I do not know of a Remedy - Affect quite Anodyne 27 Nov Thanksgiving There has been a surprise party here to Day for the Benefit of Soldiers & Nurses they were furnished with a Choice Thanksgiving Dinner Roast Turkey; Chicken & pigeon & Oysters Stewed. The Ladies were here before 12 M. Thus Displacing the Hospital Dinner; Common; Eclipseing it Entirely. I had a good dinner of Baked Chicken & Pudding Boiled potatoes, Turnip, Apple butter, cheese Butter, Tea & trimmings - Via we live well Enough, but cannot Eat Much without being sick - I have Not Received any Money Since I came here Not a Dollar- Do you see the point, one point You will Readily see The point of My Not sending any Home. Pay Day Must come sooner or Later - May be I shall come home before Long.
Civil War Diaries and Letters