Bean family letters, 1862-1863
1863-01-18 Page 01
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Jany 18th. 1863 Mrs A. A. Yours of Jany 14th was Recd by Me at This Camp on the 17th Inst in the Evening. I generally Get My Letters from Home in 3 Days used to be 4. The Letter to Gen Hospital No 3, was Longer being Delivered. I Regret Verry Much to hear of Sarahs Decline, I, have no comments to make on treatment; Results in Medicine administered & Results from Diseased action when The System is once Invaded by it teach us two Things positive: to Exercise much care in the selection of Remedies; & Secondly; after the Judicious administration for a Reasonable Time; try The Recuperative powers of the System; & See or watch The Result. Exercising Common Sense to its fullest capacity in Determining Results; and when favorable Results are obtained to Day do not be, too sure of obtaining The Same to-morrow by continuing the Same course may be one Directly, opposite will be most proper. I. Do not.. in the above Remarks allude to physicians but to Remedies only - not to any class of Physicians - You must Barely Missed My Letter asking for money. as money I must have before I. can Leave Frederick in an Independent & honorable Manner - I do not Know how much to call for; as I do not Know how much You have on hand - not having been Informed - all I can say is Send what you can spare be the Same More or Less. Short of 30.$ or if it amounts to that no matter it will not be Lost by Gambling
Jany 18th. 1863 Mrs A. A. Yours of Jany 14th was Recd by Me at This Camp on the 17th Inst in the Evening. I generally Get My Letters from Home in 3 Days used to be 4. The Letter to Gen Hospital No 3, was Longer being Delivered. I Regret Verry Much to hear of Sarahs Decline, I, have no comments to make on treatment; Results in Medicine administered & Results from Diseased action when The System is once Invaded by it teach us two Things positive: to Exercise much care in the selection of Remedies; & Secondly; after the Judicious administration for a Reasonable Time; try The Recuperative powers of the System; & See or watch The Result. Exercising Common Sense to its fullest capacity in Determining Results; and when favorable Results are obtained to Day do not be, too sure of obtaining The Same to-morrow by continuing the Same course may be one Directly, opposite will be most proper. I. Do not.. in the above Remarks allude to physicians but to Remedies only - not to any class of Physicians - You must Barely Missed My Letter asking for money. as money I must have before I. can Leave Frederick in an Independent & honorable Manner - I do not Know how much to call for; as I do not Know how much You have on hand - not having been Informed - all I can say is Send what you can spare be the Same More or Less. Short of 30.$ or if it amounts to that no matter it will not be Lost by Gambling
Civil War Diaries and Letters