Bean family letters, 1862-1863
1863-01-30 Page 04
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bushel oats over 40 cts potatoes 50 cts flour $6,75 to $7,00 per barrel The roads being so bad it is next to impossible to find any wood in market we have been burning rubbish about the yard and then ther is the old house the floor of which is so much damaged by rot, as to be worthless for any thing except wood, the shingles are good as far as they go for wood the sills are so much damaged as to be worthless in a building the siding are so much worn that they are good for nothing except fuel the rafters Joists & inside timbers are of course sound which can be piled up & coverd ready for future use. In fact the old thing is merely an encumbrence which I think had better be disposed of as afore said, which is a more profitable manner than to sell to Waldo Lowe or Chapman & never get pay for it Strait did not bring the wheat & I went after it they (Ben & the old man) had cut the crop down to 12 bushels & poor miserable & all filled with oats as they had it in their hands I did not see and remidy John
bushel oats over 40 cts potatoes 50 cts flour $6,75 to $7,00 per barrel The roads being so bad it is next to impossible to find any wood in market we have been burning rubbish about the yard and then ther is the old house the floor of which is so much damaged by rot, as to be worthless for any thing except wood, the shingles are good as far as they go for wood the sills are so much damaged as to be worthless in a building the siding are so much worn that they are good for nothing except fuel the rafters Joists & inside timbers are of course sound which can be piled up & coverd ready for future use. In fact the old thing is merely an encumbrence which I think had better be disposed of as afore said, which is a more profitable manner than to sell to Waldo Lowe or Chapman & never get pay for it Strait did not bring the wheat & I went after it they (Ben & the old man) had cut the crop down to 12 bushels & poor miserable & all filled with oats as they had it in their hands I did not see and remidy John
Civil War Diaries and Letters