Anson R. Butler letters, 1861-1900
1862-10-28 Page 2
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and by 5 o.lock this morning had 5 camp kettles of coffee made, when we were all ordered on board & had the men up for breakfast we had out a picket guard of 100 men. It was quite a night scene. So many fires, men, pots & kettles. The wood yard was owned by a Secesh. we took him aboard and made him take the oath and at sunrise landed & put him ashore, We made his wood fly any how. He says he is cousin to Gen Buckner of the rebel army. His name was Buckner also. I am now eating in the Cabin 25 cts per meal. 2 tables. A large share of the straps do so too. I want the people to know that Gov Baker of Iowa armed us with old muskets not worth a cuss & he knew it & then reported us as fully armed to General Curtls, who as soon as he found out the matter, gave us good ones & no thanks to Baker. He has been down on this Reg. from the first & would have been glad to have us go into the field with his infernal guns. If he could have seen them after we stacked them he would have thought them the worse for the wear. ha, ha, what a time the Adjutant & Col. officers & men Laughing, Shouting & groaning Just passed a steamboat stuck on a bar. 2 P.M. past Osceola with a gun boat anchored opposite 3 P.M. past Fort Pillow. a gun boat [illegible] here was a fight. 5 P.M. passing over the water where the naval fight was, in sight of Memphis
and by 5 o.lock this morning had 5 camp kettles of coffee made, when we were all ordered on board & had the men up for breakfast we had out a picket guard of 100 men. It was quite a night scene. So many fires, men, pots & kettles. The wood yard was owned by a Secesh. we took him aboard and made him take the oath and at sunrise landed & put him ashore, We made his wood fly any how. He says he is cousin to Gen Buckner of the rebel army. His name was Buckner also. I am now eating in the Cabin 25 cts per meal. 2 tables. A large share of the straps do so too. I want the people to know that Gov Baker of Iowa armed us with old muskets not worth a cuss & he knew it & then reported us as fully armed to General Curtls, who as soon as he found out the matter, gave us good ones & no thanks to Baker. He has been down on this Reg. from the first & would have been glad to have us go into the field with his infernal guns. If he could have seen them after we stacked them he would have thought them the worse for the wear. ha, ha, what a time the Adjutant & Col. officers & men Laughing, Shouting & groaning Just passed a steamboat stuck on a bar. 2 P.M. past Osceola with a gun boat anchored opposite 3 P.M. past Fort Pillow. a gun boat [illegible] here was a fight. 5 P.M. passing over the water where the naval fight was, in sight of Memphis
Civil War Diaries and Letters