American cookbook, ca. 1850
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To make Cold Cream Take a pint of fresh drawn Trotters Oil, One Ounce of Virgins Wax, one ounce of spermaciti put them together in a stone jar, set it over a Fire in a sauce pan of Water, let it steam till the Wax and spermaciti are quite dissolved, then pour it into a large pan of Spring Water, beat it daily two or three times with a Wooden Spoon for a Week, changing the Water every Day - NB the last time of beating should be with Rose Water. Welch Pudding Half a pound of Butter, 6 Eggs, 6 ounces of Sugar, 5 drops of Essence of Lemon, beat the Eggs and Sugar together, then melt the Butter, and mix them, a spoonful at a time, Boil them till they are thick, put a thin paste into your Dish, and bake it an Hour. NB Do not put the Lemon in till it is Cold.
To make Cold Cream Take a pint of fresh drawn Trotters Oil, One Ounce of Virgins Wax, one ounce of spermaciti put them together in a stone jar, set it over a Fire in a sauce pan of Water, let it steam till the Wax and spermaciti are quite dissolved, then pour it into a large pan of Spring Water, beat it daily two or three times with a Wooden Spoon for a Week, changing the Water every Day - NB the last time of beating should be with Rose Water. Welch Pudding Half a pound of Butter, 6 Eggs, 6 ounces of Sugar, 5 drops of Essence of Lemon, beat the Eggs and Sugar together, then melt the Butter, and mix them, a spoonful at a time, Boil them till they are thick, put a thin paste into your Dish, and bake it an Hour. NB Do not put the Lemon in till it is Cold.
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks