Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
Page 38
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38 home in the morning. I had a letter from Charlie tonight he complains of not feeling well. I wrote to him tonight and answered my Allerton correspondant. We did not go to bed very early. Laura did not come home tonight. Friday March 26th 1875. Ira took me to school this morning and Mr McKee came after us in the evening. Ira brought me a letter from Mother this afternoon. There was things she worte that made me feel terribly sad, and homesick Manford and Ira walked down to the social the roads are perfectly terrible. I read aloud a little in the evening and cut out a couple of linin aprons, and put a watch pocket in another one. It was late before we went to bed. I did think I would write to Mother and even got the paper ready. But changed my mind, thinking if I waited till Sunday I might possibly be in a different frame of mind Laura did not come home tonight. Cousin Ettie has us girls and she stayed to help hem I am glad I do not have to go to school tomorrow.
38 home in the morning. I had a letter from Charlie tonight he complains of not feeling well. I wrote to him tonight and answered my Allerton correspondant. We did not go to bed very early. Laura did not come home tonight. Friday March 26th 1875. Ira took me to school this morning and Mr McKee came after us in the evening. Ira brought me a letter from Mother this afternoon. There was things she worte that made me feel terribly sad, and homesick Manford and Ira walked down to the social the roads are perfectly terrible. I read aloud a little in the evening and cut out a couple of linin aprons, and put a watch pocket in another one. It was late before we went to bed. I did think I would write to Mother and even got the paper ready. But changed my mind, thinking if I waited till Sunday I might possibly be in a different frame of mind Laura did not come home tonight. Cousin Ettie has us girls and she stayed to help hem I am glad I do not have to go to school tomorrow.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries