Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
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100 in the rags all the afternoon. Helped with the evening work and practiced a little at night. Emma and Dick Moon took dinner here. Sunday August 29th 1875. The folks were nearly all gone away one place and another. I wrote some in the forenoon. Hattie and I went to Robinsons and saw Lizzie who is down now. We walked the rail road bridge. Went to McCalls. and up to the post office. It was night when we got home I worked till bed time. Monday August 30th 1875. We washed this morning and washed the bed room carpet. Mother was gone to town all the forenoon. I worked in the rags in the afternoon and Mother put up some plums. We girls went to town tonight and selected paper for the bed-room. It was late when we got home. Tuesday August 31st 1875. We ironed and sewed the carpet together this forenoon. In the afternoon papered the bed room and put the furniture back in. I had a letter from Allerton and from Billy Reed.
100 in the rags all the afternoon. Helped with the evening work and practiced a little at night. Emma and Dick Moon took dinner here. Sunday August 29th 1875. The folks were nearly all gone away one place and another. I wrote some in the forenoon. Hattie and I went to Robinsons and saw Lizzie who is down now. We walked the rail road bridge. Went to McCalls. and up to the post office. It was night when we got home I worked till bed time. Monday August 30th 1875. We washed this morning and washed the bed room carpet. Mother was gone to town all the forenoon. I worked in the rags in the afternoon and Mother put up some plums. We girls went to town tonight and selected paper for the bed-room. It was late when we got home. Tuesday August 31st 1875. We ironed and sewed the carpet together this forenoon. In the afternoon papered the bed room and put the furniture back in. I had a letter from Allerton and from Billy Reed.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries