Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
Page 131
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131. Monday November 29th 1875. An intensely cold day. I did up the work and practiced some in the forenoon. Mother went over to Folsoms a little while in the afternoon I was sewing all the afternoon and most of the evening. Had two fool letters from Illinois Tuesday November 30th 1875. I did up the work and practiced in the morning After dinner I walked to town. I had a new plant given to me. I saw Mr Huebner he had been to Burlington to spend Sunday. I sewed all the evening. Weather pleasanter than yesterday. Wednesday December 1st 1875. I got rather an early start at the washing this morning which was immense. Mother and I worked all day long at washing and cleaning up things as it was a remarkably pleasant day I was very tired at night and as it was late when we got the work done I wrote a letter to Lou Reeves and Maggie McKee and went to bed. Flora Mygatt was here to invite us to a party. Thursday December 2nd 1875. I got the ironing all done before dinner and after dinner baked a cake and wrote a letter to
131. Monday November 29th 1875. An intensely cold day. I did up the work and practiced some in the forenoon. Mother went over to Folsoms a little while in the afternoon I was sewing all the afternoon and most of the evening. Had two fool letters from Illinois Tuesday November 30th 1875. I did up the work and practiced in the morning After dinner I walked to town. I had a new plant given to me. I saw Mr Huebner he had been to Burlington to spend Sunday. I sewed all the evening. Weather pleasanter than yesterday. Wednesday December 1st 1875. I got rather an early start at the washing this morning which was immense. Mother and I worked all day long at washing and cleaning up things as it was a remarkably pleasant day I was very tired at night and as it was late when we got the work done I wrote a letter to Lou Reeves and Maggie McKee and went to bed. Flora Mygatt was here to invite us to a party. Thursday December 2nd 1875. I got the ironing all done before dinner and after dinner baked a cake and wrote a letter to
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries