Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
Page 142
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142. Before five we were ready to start to the valley. When we called for Winnie she was all ready. The roads were so bad that we did not get to Grand-mas till after dark. Hattie was all ready. But we visited there an hour before going on. Had a real pleasant time and did not get home till four oclock. Hattie came with us. A postal from Al Six year tonight since I become acquainted with Pete. Five years tonight I had a party. Thursday December 30th 1875. It was as warm as spring this morning when we got up. As soon as we could get at it Hatt and I began baking cake. We got on famously and had splendid luck. Aunty and Uncle Smith were here for dinner at three oclock. Late in the afternoon Mother went to town in the buggy. She reported the roads very bad and the prospect rather doubtful for tomorrow night. Early in the morning we frosted our cakes and then devoted the rest of the evening to reading and card-playing. Just after dark it began to rain. The house is all damp and in fact the prospect for tomorrow night is any-thing but flattering.
142. Before five we were ready to start to the valley. When we called for Winnie she was all ready. The roads were so bad that we did not get to Grand-mas till after dark. Hattie was all ready. But we visited there an hour before going on. Had a real pleasant time and did not get home till four oclock. Hattie came with us. A postal from Al Six year tonight since I become acquainted with Pete. Five years tonight I had a party. Thursday December 30th 1875. It was as warm as spring this morning when we got up. As soon as we could get at it Hatt and I began baking cake. We got on famously and had splendid luck. Aunty and Uncle Smith were here for dinner at three oclock. Late in the afternoon Mother went to town in the buggy. She reported the roads very bad and the prospect rather doubtful for tomorrow night. Early in the morning we frosted our cakes and then devoted the rest of the evening to reading and card-playing. Just after dark it began to rain. The house is all damp and in fact the prospect for tomorrow night is any-thing but flattering.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries