Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1875-December 20, 1877
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Tuesday November 20th 1877. I ironed a little and helped with the work till noon. Soon after dinner I went to town to make calls. I called on Miss Hughs, Emma [Parvin?], Mrs Lombard, Kitty Kaufman and Mollie Fairall. It rained as I came home. Hatt went over to Wins and did not get home. I practiced in the evening. Wednesday November 21st 1877. I did house work till about eleven oclock when I went over to see the carpet weaver. Mother went to town in the afternoon and washed a little and did lots of other work. Rob wanted to go to the Firemans ball but I was too tired. Hattie went. I did not even feel able to practice tonight. Thursday November 22nd 1877 I ironed some this morning. Mother went to town in the afternoon. And we girls made the new stair carpet we got home. The Robinson girls were here and stayed till after nine oclock. We had a real good visit with them. I knit on my mittens in the evening. Pottle and Hatt took the girls home. I had a letter from Pete and Mr Bailey today. I wrote a little to Pete while Pottle and Hatt were gone.
Tuesday November 20th 1877. I ironed a little and helped with the work till noon. Soon after dinner I went to town to make calls. I called on Miss Hughs, Emma [Parvin?], Mrs Lombard, Kitty Kaufman and Mollie Fairall. It rained as I came home. Hatt went over to Wins and did not get home. I practiced in the evening. Wednesday November 21st 1877. I did house work till about eleven oclock when I went over to see the carpet weaver. Mother went to town in the afternoon and washed a little and did lots of other work. Rob wanted to go to the Firemans ball but I was too tired. Hattie went. I did not even feel able to practice tonight. Thursday November 22nd 1877 I ironed some this morning. Mother went to town in the afternoon. And we girls made the new stair carpet we got home. The Robinson girls were here and stayed till after nine oclock. We had a real good visit with them. I knit on my mittens in the evening. Pottle and Hatt took the girls home. I had a letter from Pete and Mr Bailey today. I wrote a little to Pete while Pottle and Hatt were gone.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries