Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1935-January 31, 1936
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Friday August 9th 1935 A very hot PM with rain at six oclock. I worked some at crotchet slept some in PM. Mrs Gay busy at home ironing in afternoon. Saturday August 10 1935 I wrote letters to Jesse Henderson & Mattie Stitt and cards to Ida, Laura, Edith & Edna Mitchell. Rob sent a check by mail [$5000?] for Mo Public Service & Butter Bros bonds. Sunday August 11th 19135 An intensely hot day. I read some in the [A?] M spent the afternoon on the bed and the evening on the porch. The Gays here all day. The Jellisons came to Whtestones. Monday August 12th 1935 It turned cooler last night. I did some extra writing in Elder Daughters secretary book. Slept in the PM and ride with The Byingtons after supper. Tuesday August 13th 1935 I was home all day doing different things. Hattie here part of the forenoon. I am crotcheting on Edna's table cover. Letters fro Maggie Callahan and Ida. Wednesday August 14th 1935. Mrs Gay ill last night so was not away from home today. She has help with the work and did some things to the north apartment up stairs. a letter from Laura. wrote Mrs Falk.
Friday August 9th 1935 A very hot PM with rain at six oclock. I worked some at crotchet slept some in PM. Mrs Gay busy at home ironing in afternoon. Saturday August 10 1935 I wrote letters to Jesse Henderson & Mattie Stitt and cards to Ida, Laura, Edith & Edna Mitchell. Rob sent a check by mail [$5000?] for Mo Public Service & Butter Bros bonds. Sunday August 11th 19135 An intensely hot day. I read some in the [A?] M spent the afternoon on the bed and the evening on the porch. The Gays here all day. The Jellisons came to Whtestones. Monday August 12th 1935 It turned cooler last night. I did some extra writing in Elder Daughters secretary book. Slept in the PM and ride with The Byingtons after supper. Tuesday August 13th 1935 I was home all day doing different things. Hattie here part of the forenoon. I am crotcheting on Edna's table cover. Letters fro Maggie Callahan and Ida. Wednesday August 14th 1935. Mrs Gay ill last night so was not away from home today. She has help with the work and did some things to the north apartment up stairs. a letter from Laura. wrote Mrs Falk.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries