Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1931-December 31, 1932
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Monday June 15- 1931 Very warm day. Edith washed After dinner Laura and I rested and later they drove up town I went with them. letter from Hattie. The evening here at home. Thursday June 16- 1931 We left for Peoria at ten oclock taking Mrs Fochler and Francis with us. Francis did the driving We had dinner at The Piere Marquette. While the girls did shopping I wrote cards and letter to Hattie. letter from Winnie Wednesday June 17- 1931 We were busy at home all AM. Soon after dinner we drove over to Fochlers to list to the exercises at Springfield. Pres Hoover spoke to dedicate The Lincoln Tomb. When we came home went to the cemetery Thursday June 18- 1931 We went up town and out to Browne in AM. letters from Hattie & Emma Herriott. Wrote Winnie. After supper rode up town with the girls. Was at Lizzie Duncans. Friday June 19- 1931 Very warm. The girls went uptown. I wrote Hattie and Mrs Gay. Had letters from Mary & Ida. Wrote them and Mrs Falk in the afternoon. Evening here at home. Saturday June 20- 1931 I sewed in AM fixing curtains. The girls busy too. We rested after dinner. Then drove to New Holland to call on Ella Chestnut. It is two years today since Dear Fannie left us so suddenly.
Monday June 15- 1931 Very warm day. Edith washed After dinner Laura and I rested and later they drove up town I went with them. letter from Hattie. The evening here at home. Thursday June 16- 1931 We left for Peoria at ten oclock taking Mrs Fochler and Francis with us. Francis did the driving We had dinner at The Piere Marquette. While the girls did shopping I wrote cards and letter to Hattie. letter from Winnie Wednesday June 17- 1931 We were busy at home all AM. Soon after dinner we drove over to Fochlers to list to the exercises at Springfield. Pres Hoover spoke to dedicate The Lincoln Tomb. When we came home went to the cemetery Thursday June 18- 1931 We went up town and out to Browne in AM. letters from Hattie & Emma Herriott. Wrote Winnie. After supper rode up town with the girls. Was at Lizzie Duncans. Friday June 19- 1931 Very warm. The girls went uptown. I wrote Hattie and Mrs Gay. Had letters from Mary & Ida. Wrote them and Mrs Falk in the afternoon. Evening here at home. Saturday June 20- 1931 I sewed in AM fixing curtains. The girls busy too. We rested after dinner. Then drove to New Holland to call on Ella Chestnut. It is two years today since Dear Fannie left us so suddenly.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries