Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1931-December 31, 1932
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Friday June 17- 1932. Winnie went to The Library and to pay my phone bill. Later Mary took her up town to do an errand. Slept in PM. Then wrote Kate Rowe. Ott here on his way home from the office. Terrible storm at 8 PM Saturday June 18- 1932. I did some ironing and got the dinner. Rested awhile. Hattie here later I gave her $25.00 as one of the the bonds Ott collected interest on was here. Read in evening Sunday June 19- 1932. Ott William Mary & Hattie left for Danville Ill early. Rob took Winnie & me to church. We rode home with The Andersons. Buddy was here part of the PM. Read some. In evening wrote M E Culbertson & Birdie Monday June 20- 1932. Rob took us to Oxford with him in AM. rested and read in PM. Letter from Ida she has arranged to stay in Granville. Tuesday June 21st 1932. I did some washing. Rested in PM. Then did some sewing. a fine day The folks got home early tonight and had come by Chicago. Wednesday June 22- 1932. It is three years today since we laid Dear Fannie away. Letters from Birdie & Laura She and Edith were in Richmond Ind. on their way east. Wrote Laura. Mary took us up to Hatties to spend PM. Rob & Cora away for the day. Home by taxi at 9.30
Friday June 17- 1932. Winnie went to The Library and to pay my phone bill. Later Mary took her up town to do an errand. Slept in PM. Then wrote Kate Rowe. Ott here on his way home from the office. Terrible storm at 8 PM Saturday June 18- 1932. I did some ironing and got the dinner. Rested awhile. Hattie here later I gave her $25.00 as one of the the bonds Ott collected interest on was here. Read in evening Sunday June 19- 1932. Ott William Mary & Hattie left for Danville Ill early. Rob took Winnie & me to church. We rode home with The Andersons. Buddy was here part of the PM. Read some. In evening wrote M E Culbertson & Birdie Monday June 20- 1932. Rob took us to Oxford with him in AM. rested and read in PM. Letter from Ida she has arranged to stay in Granville. Tuesday June 21st 1932. I did some washing. Rested in PM. Then did some sewing. a fine day The folks got home early tonight and had come by Chicago. Wednesday June 22- 1932. It is three years today since we laid Dear Fannie away. Letters from Birdie & Laura She and Edith were in Richmond Ind. on their way east. Wrote Laura. Mary took us up to Hatties to spend PM. Rob & Cora away for the day. Home by taxi at 9.30
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries