Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1927-December 31, 1928
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Monday April 11th 1927 I read and crotched in AM. Had letter from Hattie at noon. Later I wrote Fannie and went up town. I was at Woolfs. Mrs McClays and Lizzie Duncan to call. Tuesday April 12th 1927 I wrote Lizzie Lindley in the forenoon. Lena washing. I had a letter from Ida. Wrote her. It rained in the afternoon. The girls went to church in the evening. Wednesday April 13th 1927 A cold windy day. I knit on my bag. Had a letter from Warner McCall. He has been sick. I wrote Louie Bremner and Harry & Mabel. The girls to church in evening. Thursday April 14th 1927 It was a dark rainy night but the girls went to church. I was busy with fancy work most of the day. Wrote Hattie. Friday April 15th 1927 I was busy with my own affairs in AM. Soon after dinner I got ready and had a taxi take me to Mrs Harry Woods to The Missionary meeting. I took my fur coat up to Strauts Bros to have packed and sent home. It rained very hard in the evening. The Girls could not go to church. Saturday April 16th 1927 Rather a nice day. The girls busy about their work. I walked up town after dinner. Paid for sending my coat home. Did a couple of errands and called at Mrs Hattons where I stayed till nearly supper time. Had a letter from Hattie. Wrote Fannie about my things there at their house.
Monday April 11th 1927 I read and crotched in AM. Had letter from Hattie at noon. Later I wrote Fannie and went up town. I was at Woolfs. Mrs McClays and Lizzie Duncan to call. Tuesday April 12th 1927 I wrote Lizzie Lindley in the forenoon. Lena washing. I had a letter from Ida. Wrote her. It rained in the afternoon. The girls went to church in the evening. Wednesday April 13th 1927 A cold windy day. I knit on my bag. Had a letter from Warner McCall. He has been sick. I wrote Louie Bremner and Harry & Mabel. The girls to church in evening. Thursday April 14th 1927 It was a dark rainy night but the girls went to church. I was busy with fancy work most of the day. Wrote Hattie. Friday April 15th 1927 I was busy with my own affairs in AM. Soon after dinner I got ready and had a taxi take me to Mrs Harry Woods to The Missionary meeting. I took my fur coat up to Strauts Bros to have packed and sent home. It rained very hard in the evening. The Girls could not go to church. Saturday April 16th 1927 Rather a nice day. The girls busy about their work. I walked up town after dinner. Paid for sending my coat home. Did a couple of errands and called at Mrs Hattons where I stayed till nearly supper time. Had a letter from Hattie. Wrote Fannie about my things there at their house.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries