Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1927-December 31, 1928
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Friday April 6th 1928 It was a rainy day. I sewed in forenoon. Slept in PM, and read some. Letter from Rob. Laura, Lena & Edith to church. Saturday April 7th 1928 It snowed most of the day. I wrote Winnie, Birdie, and Mary. A letter from Winnie. Laura to a funeral in the afternoon of a neighbors child. Edith up town. Sunday April 8th 1928 Cold but we went to church. The Clarks here in the afternoon. Later Laura and I called at Fosters. Monday April 9th 1928 Clear but very cold. ice formed last night. I helped Lena some with the work. Wrote Mrs Falk, Ida, Fannie, Mrs Edwards, Anna Kleim. Sent check for rent to Mr Harter. Had letters from Mrs Falk and Fannie. Went up town by taxi in PM. Called at Lizzie Duncans, Tom McKinstyrs, Meekers & Fosters. Walked home. Tuesday April 10th 1928 I helped iron, did a little packing. I had a taxi take me over to Woolfs. It was election day. The girls all voted. Frank Woolf took me down to Miss Kelchners. The girls came to S S party. A pleasant time. I rode home with Edith & Mr Albers. Two years today W B Mc--- was hurt in Los Angeles. Wednesday April 11th 1928 I left Delavan at 8.30, a wait at Bloomington. Winnie met me at Union Station in Chicago. We went out in taxi. A letter from Hattie and Mrs R T Allen. Warner McCall called me up.
Friday April 6th 1928 It was a rainy day. I sewed in forenoon. Slept in PM, and read some. Letter from Rob. Laura, Lena & Edith to church. Saturday April 7th 1928 It snowed most of the day. I wrote Winnie, Birdie, and Mary. A letter from Winnie. Laura to a funeral in the afternoon of a neighbors child. Edith up town. Sunday April 8th 1928 Cold but we went to church. The Clarks here in the afternoon. Later Laura and I called at Fosters. Monday April 9th 1928 Clear but very cold. ice formed last night. I helped Lena some with the work. Wrote Mrs Falk, Ida, Fannie, Mrs Edwards, Anna Kleim. Sent check for rent to Mr Harter. Had letters from Mrs Falk and Fannie. Went up town by taxi in PM. Called at Lizzie Duncans, Tom McKinstyrs, Meekers & Fosters. Walked home. Tuesday April 10th 1928 I helped iron, did a little packing. I had a taxi take me over to Woolfs. It was election day. The girls all voted. Frank Woolf took me down to Miss Kelchners. The girls came to S S party. A pleasant time. I rode home with Edith & Mr Albers. Two years today W B Mc--- was hurt in Los Angeles. Wednesday April 11th 1928 I left Delavan at 8.30, a wait at Bloomington. Winnie met me at Union Station in Chicago. We went out in taxi. A letter from Hattie and Mrs R T Allen. Warner McCall called me up.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries