Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1920-December 31, 1922
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Sunday April 23rd 1922 It was an unpleasant day. Late breakfast. The young folks went to the country. I read and had visit with Jane and Ira. The folks home to supper. Music in evening. Monday April 24th 1922 A hard rain last night and more today. Spent the time at Janes and in my room. Wrote some letters. One from Hattie. Tuesday April 25th 1922 Weather better. I called on Mrs Phillips in forenoon. Mrs Day and I down town to picture show. Mr Day away. Minnie in evening. Charlies birthday. Wednesday April 26th 1922 I got letters from Hattie, William, Mrs Falk & Sue Reed. I was reading and writing. Evening at Janes. Wrote to Lydia. Thursday April 27th 1922 An unpleasant day. Was in my room part of the time. Wrote Hattie. Ira had a bad day. Friday April 28th 1922 A drizzling ugly day. I was in my own room reading part of the day. The folks busy with their own affairs. Mr Day away. Saturday April 29th 1922 I walked down to the depot in forenoon to get folders and got three records for the folks. Spent part of afternoon reading in my own room. The folks busy with their work. Sunday April 30th 1922 I went to M E Church in AM. After dinner lay down to rest. Later went down to see the river. Raining at the time. Spent the evening at Janes with talking and music.
Sunday April 23rd 1922 It was an unpleasant day. Late breakfast. The young folks went to the country. I read and had visit with Jane and Ira. The folks home to supper. Music in evening. Monday April 24th 1922 A hard rain last night and more today. Spent the time at Janes and in my room. Wrote some letters. One from Hattie. Tuesday April 25th 1922 Weather better. I called on Mrs Phillips in forenoon. Mrs Day and I down town to picture show. Mr Day away. Minnie in evening. Charlies birthday. Wednesday April 26th 1922 I got letters from Hattie, William, Mrs Falk & Sue Reed. I was reading and writing. Evening at Janes. Wrote to Lydia. Thursday April 27th 1922 An unpleasant day. Was in my room part of the time. Wrote Hattie. Ira had a bad day. Friday April 28th 1922 A drizzling ugly day. I was in my own room reading part of the day. The folks busy with their own affairs. Mr Day away. Saturday April 29th 1922 I walked down to the depot in forenoon to get folders and got three records for the folks. Spent part of afternoon reading in my own room. The folks busy with their work. Sunday April 30th 1922 I went to M E Church in AM. After dinner lay down to rest. Later went down to see the river. Raining at the time. Spent the evening at Janes with talking and music.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries