Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1920-December 31, 1922
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Friday May 26th 1922 We three girls went to the lecture at 11 oclock. Had dinner on town and spent part of afternoon at cemetery then called at Mrs Wilsons and John McCallisters. Cora came for us there. Rested till time to go to see Abraham Lindon. Rob & Cora out for evening. Heavy rain. We went on taxi. Saturday May 27th 1922 We were home in forenoon. In PM Cora took us to call at Mrs Messers. Then we were at Will & Elmer Andersons and Aunt Emmas. Got supper in town. Ida Anderson met us and we went to a picture show. Came home with Cora. Sunday May 28th 1922 Rob took us to S S and church at Presbyterian church. Ott rode home with us. I was down there a little time after dinner. Then Rob took us to Cedar Rapids for a ride. Ella Rhodes here for a call later and we took her to the 8 oclock car. Stopped at Otts on way home. Monday May 29th 1922 The train was late so Winnie did not get started till nearly one oclock. We spent the afternoon at home. Cora was busy at the store. Robs birthday. Evening at home. Tuesday May 30th 1922 We went to the cemetery early in the forenoon. I looked through trunks and wardrobes putting things to air. Cora at the store all day. Hattie and me down to Fannies in afternoon. Evening at home. Decoration Day.
Friday May 26th 1922 We three girls went to the lecture at 11 oclock. Had dinner on town and spent part of afternoon at cemetery then called at Mrs Wilsons and John McCallisters. Cora came for us there. Rested till time to go to see Abraham Lindon. Rob & Cora out for evening. Heavy rain. We went on taxi. Saturday May 27th 1922 We were home in forenoon. In PM Cora took us to call at Mrs Messers. Then we were at Will & Elmer Andersons and Aunt Emmas. Got supper in town. Ida Anderson met us and we went to a picture show. Came home with Cora. Sunday May 28th 1922 Rob took us to S S and church at Presbyterian church. Ott rode home with us. I was down there a little time after dinner. Then Rob took us to Cedar Rapids for a ride. Ella Rhodes here for a call later and we took her to the 8 oclock car. Stopped at Otts on way home. Monday May 29th 1922 The train was late so Winnie did not get started till nearly one oclock. We spent the afternoon at home. Cora was busy at the store. Robs birthday. Evening at home. Tuesday May 30th 1922 We went to the cemetery early in the forenoon. I looked through trunks and wardrobes putting things to air. Cora at the store all day. Hattie and me down to Fannies in afternoon. Evening at home. Decoration Day.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries