Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1920-December 31, 1922
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Wednesday May 31st 1922 I did some work in the garret and rode to town with Fannie. Rob & Cora in Davenport for the day. Mrs Rigler and Ott & Fannie here for a supper and evening. Thursday June 1st 1922 Busy about home till three oclock. Went to Mrs Will Thomas where I met the girls who had been to luncheon before. Mrs Rigler went home tonight. We spent the evening with Ott & Fannie. Their wedding anniversary. Lula & sister here for the night. Friday June 2nd 1922 Letter from Winnie & Lydia. Wrote Winnie before noon. The girls to a luncheon. I went to town with Ron and out to Coralville for the afternoon. Made a number of calls was not at the old home. It looked beautiful. Lula Towns and sister here all night. Evening at home Saturday June 3rd 1922 I did some washing and rode to town with the girls. Lulas Mother died at the Hospital early this morning. They all went back to Belle Plain. I wrote Cousin Jen in afternoon and did ironing. Hattie & I down to Otts in evening. Sunday June 4th 1922 I rode to church with Cora. Rob at work. Ott & Hattie had flowers at the church in memory of Mother. After dinner Fannie drove for us and we took them to Aunt Emma, Aunt Ellen, and Uncle Jims. We found The Stevens family at Freds so did not go there. I wrote to Ida. Weather beautiful.
Wednesday May 31st 1922 I did some work in the garret and rode to town with Fannie. Rob & Cora in Davenport for the day. Mrs Rigler and Ott & Fannie here for a supper and evening. Thursday June 1st 1922 Busy about home till three oclock. Went to Mrs Will Thomas where I met the girls who had been to luncheon before. Mrs Rigler went home tonight. We spent the evening with Ott & Fannie. Their wedding anniversary. Lula & sister here for the night. Friday June 2nd 1922 Letter from Winnie & Lydia. Wrote Winnie before noon. The girls to a luncheon. I went to town with Ron and out to Coralville for the afternoon. Made a number of calls was not at the old home. It looked beautiful. Lula Towns and sister here all night. Evening at home Saturday June 3rd 1922 I did some washing and rode to town with the girls. Lulas Mother died at the Hospital early this morning. They all went back to Belle Plain. I wrote Cousin Jen in afternoon and did ironing. Hattie & I down to Otts in evening. Sunday June 4th 1922 I rode to church with Cora. Rob at work. Ott & Hattie had flowers at the church in memory of Mother. After dinner Fannie drove for us and we took them to Aunt Emma, Aunt Ellen, and Uncle Jims. We found The Stevens family at Freds so did not go there. I wrote to Ida. Weather beautiful.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries