Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1920-December 31, 1922
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Friday September 15th 1922 It is 38 years today since Bro Rob died. I was up town in the AM and Lizzie in afternoon. I wrote Fannie Graham and Ellen Wilcox. Saturday September 16th 1922 I left for Astoria at 11.30. Reached there at 5. Went in taxi to Fannie Grahams. After supper we took a ride up on the hill. Then visited till late bed-time. Sunday September 17th 1922 Fannie and I took a walk in forenoon. Astoria is very strangely situated. Left at 1.30 by stage. A wonderful ride on Columbia Highway part of the way. Here at 7.45. Custer Fletcher here. Went up town in AM and ordered reservations. Rob Lindley and Hattie came at noon. We drove to Aberdeen to spend the night with Hatties people. They live at Cosmopolis. Tuesday September 19th 1922 Lizzie, Mrs B--- and I walked up town. After late dinner started home. But took a wonderful ride through the timber of 40 miles. Home at 8 oclock. Wonderful trip. Letter from H J Able. Wednesday Sept6ember 20th 1922 We drive down to Doty where Rob & Hattie lived as well as others of the family when Will and I were here. Home at 5 oclock. Thursday September 21st 1922 Rob & Hattie away before noon. Lizzie & me to Burtons to lunch. Made calls too. Friday September 22nd 1922 Was up town. Did my packing. Letters from Ott & Fannie. We had supper at hotel. I left at 6.45 for Los Angeles. Lizzie went to Tenino by stage at 7.15. I change cars at Portland for sleeper.
Friday September 15th 1922 It is 38 years today since Bro Rob died. I was up town in the AM and Lizzie in afternoon. I wrote Fannie Graham and Ellen Wilcox. Saturday September 16th 1922 I left for Astoria at 11.30. Reached there at 5. Went in taxi to Fannie Grahams. After supper we took a ride up on the hill. Then visited till late bed-time. Sunday September 17th 1922 Fannie and I took a walk in forenoon. Astoria is very strangely situated. Left at 1.30 by stage. A wonderful ride on Columbia Highway part of the way. Here at 7.45. Custer Fletcher here. Went up town in AM and ordered reservations. Rob Lindley and Hattie came at noon. We drove to Aberdeen to spend the night with Hatties people. They live at Cosmopolis. Tuesday September 19th 1922 Lizzie, Mrs B--- and I walked up town. After late dinner started home. But took a wonderful ride through the timber of 40 miles. Home at 8 oclock. Wonderful trip. Letter from H J Able. Wednesday Sept6ember 20th 1922 We drive down to Doty where Rob & Hattie lived as well as others of the family when Will and I were here. Home at 5 oclock. Thursday September 21st 1922 Rob & Hattie away before noon. Lizzie & me to Burtons to lunch. Made calls too. Friday September 22nd 1922 Was up town. Did my packing. Letters from Ott & Fannie. We had supper at hotel. I left at 6.45 for Los Angeles. Lizzie went to Tenino by stage at 7.15. I change cars at Portland for sleeper.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries