Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1923-December 31, 1924
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Monday August 20th 1923 had letter from Hattie and Mrs Pickens. wrote Ott about my suit case. About noon Mrs Paul Fletcher and daughter came. I rested in PM and talked to folks. Tuesday August 21st 1923 The Fletchers left soon after breakfast. I went up town awhile. No work of my suit case. Wrote to Laura. A rain about 5 oclock. The folks home from the fair early. Wednesday August 22nd 1923 I did some sewing for myself today. Letter from Hattie and Lizzie. I wrote to Tacoma about suit case and to Mrs Falk. Friday August 24th 1923 I went up town in AM and got muslin to make up for myself. Slept in PM. No mail today. weather fine. Saturday August 25th 1923 Lizzie and I up town together in AM. Art R came for his wife and her things at the fair ground. They were here for late dinner and left soon after. I slept awhile. Evening here. Monday August 27th 1923 I went up town to try and buy a dress. Did not get one. Rob & Hattie back awhile. Letter from Hattie. Wrote to her. I sewed some for Lizzie fixing her dress.
Monday August 20th 1923 had letter from Hattie and Mrs Pickens. wrote Ott about my suit case. About noon Mrs Paul Fletcher and daughter came. I rested in PM and talked to folks. Tuesday August 21st 1923 The Fletchers left soon after breakfast. I went up town awhile. No work of my suit case. Wrote to Laura. A rain about 5 oclock. The folks home from the fair early. Wednesday August 22nd 1923 I did some sewing for myself today. Letter from Hattie and Lizzie. I wrote to Tacoma about suit case and to Mrs Falk. Friday August 24th 1923 I went up town in AM and got muslin to make up for myself. Slept in PM. No mail today. weather fine. Saturday August 25th 1923 Lizzie and I up town together in AM. Art R came for his wife and her things at the fair ground. They were here for late dinner and left soon after. I slept awhile. Evening here. Monday August 27th 1923 I went up town to try and buy a dress. Did not get one. Rob & Hattie back awhile. Letter from Hattie. Wrote to her. I sewed some for Lizzie fixing her dress.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries