Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1916-December 12, 1919
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Monday October 28th 1918 I went to Dr Bronson for treatment in forenoon. weather beautiful. I did not get home till noon. I was on the bed all afternoon and evening. Tuesday October 29th 1918 In bed all day. Hattie spent the afternoon here. Aunty & I both wrote to Ida. Letter from Lydia. Wednesday October 30th 1918 The weather was too bad to go for my treatment. I spent nearly all the time on the bed. I read some. Thursday October 31st 1918 A cold raw day. I was in bed only for the time Rob took me down to Bronson for treatment. Friday November 1st 1918 I wrote to Lydia while sitting up in bed this morning and one to Ida for Aunt soon after dinner. Will took them to the PO Fannie here in the forenoon. Saturday November 2nd 1918 In bed all forenoon. Went down for treatment in the PM. The streets were crowded with people. I had a letter from Mrs Falk and Lizzie Lindley. On the bed all evening. Sunday November 3rd 1918 I felt wretched most of the day. was on the bed most of the time. wrote Lizzie Lindley. Will to Coralville in afternoon. brought me a letter from Jim Dunlap at Daytona Beach. I read aloud to Will and answered that letter. Took bath and to bed at [seven?] oclock.
Monday October 28th 1918 I went to Dr Bronson for treatment in forenoon. weather beautiful. I did not get home till noon. I was on the bed all afternoon and evening. Tuesday October 29th 1918 In bed all day. Hattie spent the afternoon here. Aunty & I both wrote to Ida. Letter from Lydia. Wednesday October 30th 1918 The weather was too bad to go for my treatment. I spent nearly all the time on the bed. I read some. Thursday October 31st 1918 A cold raw day. I was in bed only for the time Rob took me down to Bronson for treatment. Friday November 1st 1918 I wrote to Lydia while sitting up in bed this morning and one to Ida for Aunt soon after dinner. Will took them to the PO Fannie here in the forenoon. Saturday November 2nd 1918 In bed all forenoon. Went down for treatment in the PM. The streets were crowded with people. I had a letter from Mrs Falk and Lizzie Lindley. On the bed all evening. Sunday November 3rd 1918 I felt wretched most of the day. was on the bed most of the time. wrote Lizzie Lindley. Will to Coralville in afternoon. brought me a letter from Jim Dunlap at Daytona Beach. I read aloud to Will and answered that letter. Took bath and to bed at [seven?] oclock.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries