Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1916-December 12, 1919
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Wednesday May 7th 1919 I came home this morning and helped put things in my room. We were home all day. Hattie very busy. I have been so heart broken as I think of how I was with Will a year ago today at our own home. If I could live the day over again how different I would have spent it. Will would have been made happier than he was. went to bed with headache. Thursday May 8th 1919 I cleaned the closet in my room in forenoon. Hattie at work in the halls. We went to town together at 2 oclock. I took treatment. went and paid for the springs for my bed. walked home. Birdie to town in AM. wrote Ida & Lizzie Lindley after supper. Friday May 9th 1919 Hatties birthday. we all had dinner over at Cora's. I had a letter from Lydia. wrote to her. I walked over to Olive Spencers in afternoon. We rode with Rob after supper. Saturday May 10th 1919 I went to Coralville at 9 oclock. built two fires, opened the house and did a few things. Had my dinner and went to town at 1:24. Took treatment. All the girls but Cora at Mrs A E Swishers. I was ready to come home with them when I remembered I had left the [south?] kitchen door open. Went back at 4:30 found I had. Got a ride in an Auto home. Letters from Mrs Falk & Nellie. Sunday May 11th 1919 The folks were gone all day on an Auto trip. I went down to Otts to dinner. I came home for awhile but went back after supper. The folks did not get home till nine oclock.
Wednesday May 7th 1919 I came home this morning and helped put things in my room. We were home all day. Hattie very busy. I have been so heart broken as I think of how I was with Will a year ago today at our own home. If I could live the day over again how different I would have spent it. Will would have been made happier than he was. went to bed with headache. Thursday May 8th 1919 I cleaned the closet in my room in forenoon. Hattie at work in the halls. We went to town together at 2 oclock. I took treatment. went and paid for the springs for my bed. walked home. Birdie to town in AM. wrote Ida & Lizzie Lindley after supper. Friday May 9th 1919 Hatties birthday. we all had dinner over at Cora's. I had a letter from Lydia. wrote to her. I walked over to Olive Spencers in afternoon. We rode with Rob after supper. Saturday May 10th 1919 I went to Coralville at 9 oclock. built two fires, opened the house and did a few things. Had my dinner and went to town at 1:24. Took treatment. All the girls but Cora at Mrs A E Swishers. I was ready to come home with them when I remembered I had left the [south?] kitchen door open. Went back at 4:30 found I had. Got a ride in an Auto home. Letters from Mrs Falk & Nellie. Sunday May 11th 1919 The folks were gone all day on an Auto trip. I went down to Otts to dinner. I came home for awhile but went back after supper. The folks did not get home till nine oclock.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries