Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1912-December 31, 1915
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Tuesday January 23rd 1912 I made as short work as possible of the housework and sewed all day on my dressing sacque. I read in the evening. Wednesday January 24th 1912 I sewed all the spare time I had and had to work in the evening to finish it. Will is working at the wood. Thursday January 25th 1912 I did some work and got dinner early. I went down on the 12.15 car and stopped at [Fannies?] awhile and spent the afternoon up home. I read some in the evening. Friday January 26th 1912 I had a busy day. I washed some things then baked a cake some little cakes two pies and made custard before dinner. I baked a chicken. In afternoon did more cooking and ironed. After supper I took a bath got my things ready to pack and finished reading "Some-how Good" by De Morgan. Saturday January 27th 1912 I got the morning work done and dressed to go on the 10.15 Will did not go downtown with me. The train was late from the west so I was left in West Liberty till 4.25. I reached The Horn's House before seven. Had supper and visited with Birdie Sunday January 28th 1912 Weather unpleasant. I wrote to [Rob and Cora?] and Will in [illegible] There were callers all afternoon for Birdie, Mr and Mrs Shultz came down for supper and spent the evening. [Sammy Hueburg?] called on me. I have had a very pleasant visit here. There has been many changes since my first visit here.
Tuesday January 23rd 1912 I made as short work as possible of the housework and sewed all day on my dressing sacque. I read in the evening. Wednesday January 24th 1912 I sewed all the spare time I had and had to work in the evening to finish it. Will is working at the wood. Thursday January 25th 1912 I did some work and got dinner early. I went down on the 12.15 car and stopped at [Fannies?] awhile and spent the afternoon up home. I read some in the evening. Friday January 26th 1912 I had a busy day. I washed some things then baked a cake some little cakes two pies and made custard before dinner. I baked a chicken. In afternoon did more cooking and ironed. After supper I took a bath got my things ready to pack and finished reading "Some-how Good" by De Morgan. Saturday January 27th 1912 I got the morning work done and dressed to go on the 10.15 Will did not go downtown with me. The train was late from the west so I was left in West Liberty till 4.25. I reached The Horn's House before seven. Had supper and visited with Birdie Sunday January 28th 1912 Weather unpleasant. I wrote to [Rob and Cora?] and Will in [illegible] There were callers all afternoon for Birdie, Mr and Mrs Shultz came down for supper and spent the evening. [Sammy Hueburg?] called on me. I have had a very pleasant visit here. There has been many changes since my first visit here.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries