Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1912-December 31, 1915
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Tuesday April 9th 1912 Will got Mr Kam to trim grapevines and he raked garden. I ironed. Will and I went down town at 2:15 and were busy with business all forenoon. Ott made made our Wills and gave us papers of mine that had been Mothers. We went to Mr. Brennen and took out more insurance for the barn at the west farm. came home at 4.30 got supper and read some. Wednesday April 10th 1912 I was at home all day and did some sewing. Will went with the Supervisors in the afternoon to look at roads. he did not get home till 5:40. I heard from Cedar Rapids about rates but they gave me the wrong place. not Laurel, Neb, as I wanted Thursday April 11th 1912 I was at home all day. Did some sewing. Will went in to Dental clinics in afternoon. I got some mail ready and took down to the box. After supper I fixed hens nests and Will burned his brush pile in the garden. Did some fancy work. Friday April 12th 1912 Did a little sewing today. had a letter from Lois Simpson. She is looking for me the 16th. Will about the place all day. Saturday April 13th 1912 Will went to town at 9.15 and I at 11.15. We were both over home to dinner. Later I went over to Aunt Libs a little while. We both brought house things needed. Ott got home at 3.15 from Pittsburg. He went last Wednesday morning. I heard from Cedar Rapids again today. I cannot get rates to Laurel. It was a sultry windy day and a thunder storn in the evening.
Tuesday April 9th 1912 Will got Mr Kam to trim grapevines and he raked garden. I ironed. Will and I went down town at 2:15 and were busy with business all forenoon. Ott made made our Wills and gave us papers of mine that had been Mothers. We went to Mr. Brennen and took out more insurance for the barn at the west farm. came home at 4.30 got supper and read some. Wednesday April 10th 1912 I was at home all day and did some sewing. Will went with the Supervisors in the afternoon to look at roads. he did not get home till 5:40. I heard from Cedar Rapids about rates but they gave me the wrong place. not Laurel, Neb, as I wanted Thursday April 11th 1912 I was at home all day. Did some sewing. Will went in to Dental clinics in afternoon. I got some mail ready and took down to the box. After supper I fixed hens nests and Will burned his brush pile in the garden. Did some fancy work. Friday April 12th 1912 Did a little sewing today. had a letter from Lois Simpson. She is looking for me the 16th. Will about the place all day. Saturday April 13th 1912 Will went to town at 9.15 and I at 11.15. We were both over home to dinner. Later I went over to Aunt Libs a little while. We both brought house things needed. Ott got home at 3.15 from Pittsburg. He went last Wednesday morning. I heard from Cedar Rapids again today. I cannot get rates to Laurel. It was a sultry windy day and a thunder storn in the evening.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries