Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1912-December 31, 1915
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Saturday Augutst 2nd 1913 We had breakfast and I came down to Otts, and home at 9:30. Will went to town to get shaved and home an hour later. The Hoffmans had got in nicely and went right on home. I unpacked our things and finished Irene Duncans collar. Sunday August 3rd 1913 A day with a hot wind. I did the morning work and talked with Rob a long time. he came out on horse back. I wrote a little in afternoon. Otts folks here in the evening. Monday August 6th 1913 Will went to The West Farm this morning with Mr. Eastland to see about the well. It was all right in every way and they got back about 10:30. I gave Mr Eastland a check for $156.00 which included the pump. I went to town in the afternoon and over home for supper. Will came down at 5:20. We came home at 8:30 Tuesday August 5th 1913 I ironed some in the forenoon that I had worked yesterday and out in the rest of the day sewing. a letter from Lydia and Ida. I wrote them today. Wednesday August 6th 1913 Will helped me do a big working was done by ten oclock. I rested awhile after dinner then did the ironing. Thursday August 7th 1913 I did baking and cleaned up the house. Hattie LeGrand William and Annabel Bremmer were out for supper. It rained so they left. The Auto and went home in the car. Ott went to Minnesota tonight.
Saturday Augutst 2nd 1913 We had breakfast and I came down to Otts, and home at 9:30. Will went to town to get shaved and home an hour later. The Hoffmans had got in nicely and went right on home. I unpacked our things and finished Irene Duncans collar. Sunday August 3rd 1913 A day with a hot wind. I did the morning work and talked with Rob a long time. he came out on horse back. I wrote a little in afternoon. Otts folks here in the evening. Monday August 6th 1913 Will went to The West Farm this morning with Mr. Eastland to see about the well. It was all right in every way and they got back about 10:30. I gave Mr Eastland a check for $156.00 which included the pump. I went to town in the afternoon and over home for supper. Will came down at 5:20. We came home at 8:30 Tuesday August 5th 1913 I ironed some in the forenoon that I had worked yesterday and out in the rest of the day sewing. a letter from Lydia and Ida. I wrote them today. Wednesday August 6th 1913 Will helped me do a big working was done by ten oclock. I rested awhile after dinner then did the ironing. Thursday August 7th 1913 I did baking and cleaned up the house. Hattie LeGrand William and Annabel Bremmer were out for supper. It rained so they left. The Auto and went home in the car. Ott went to Minnesota tonight.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries