Iowa Byington Reed diary, January 1, 1907-December 31, 1909
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Saturday June 13 1908 I baked cade took care of the chickens and picked some strawberries before it began to rain at 10.30. I had Nellie hitched to go down after Mother but put her in the barn. Will went to town in the afternoon. I wrote a letter to Lizzie Lindley and worked on tatting for my handkerchief. Sunday June 14 1908 It was a cool lovely day. I went to church and got our dinners soon as possible after coming home. Will was about the place all afternoon talking with Art Jones about selling lots and with a man about moving our house. I went back to The Sermon at the University at 3.12. I did not get home till 6.39. I got our suppers and we talked till late bed-time about a new house [illegible]. Monday June 15 1908 I had a lot of work to do in forenoon. I picked some more berries. I drove down home in the afternoon to visit awhile with Henry Harris and wife from [Highmore?] S.D. I stopped at Woolfs on the way home. Did evening work. The boys plowing corn.
Saturday June 13 1908 I baked cade took care of the chickens and picked some strawberries before it began to rain at 10.30. I had Nellie hitched to go down after Mother but put her in the barn. Will went to town in the afternoon. I wrote a letter to Lizzie Lindley and worked on tatting for my handkerchief. Sunday June 14 1908 It was a cool lovely day. I went to church and got our dinners soon as possible after coming home. Will was about the place all afternoon talking with Art Jones about selling lots and with a man about moving our house. I went back to The Sermon at the University at 3.12. I did not get home till 6.39. I got our suppers and we talked till late bed-time about a new house [illegible]. Monday June 15 1908 I had a lot of work to do in forenoon. I picked some more berries. I drove down home in the afternoon to visit awhile with Henry Harris and wife from [Highmore?] S.D. I stopped at Woolfs on the way home. Did evening work. The boys plowing corn.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries