Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 1, 1904-March 31, 1905
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Monday June 13th 1904 The men came and put up the telephone wire this morning. I was busy all forenoon with the regular work and care of my chickens. I sewed in the afternoon. Will is helping Virgel plow corn. weather fine. Tuesday June 14th 1904 I had Rueben help me churn and work this forenoon. I went down to Millers after dinner to do some telephoning. Mr Fairchild came out and out it up before five oclock as I could talk home. a warm day. Wednesday June 14th 1904 I was busy all forenoon with the work. We had a fine gentle shower for a couple of hours at noon.I was talking to the home folks at different times. This was the last day of commencement. Rob graduated in the College of Pharmacy. We gave him money for a present. Will, Virgil, {and} I all worked in the garden after supper. Thursday June 16th 1904 I was busy with the work all forenoon my last hatch of chickens are not doing very well. I have a good of worry with them. I spent the afternoon up to Mrs McGInnis. Will was in town and he came for me. did the regular evening work.
Monday June 13th 1904 The men came and put up the telephone wire this morning. I was busy all forenoon with the regular work and care of my chickens. I sewed in the afternoon. Will is helping Virgel plow corn. weather fine. Tuesday June 14th 1904 I had Rueben help me churn and work this forenoon. I went down to Millers after dinner to do some telephoning. Mr Fairchild came out and out it up before five oclock as I could talk home. a warm day. Wednesday June 14th 1904 I was busy all forenoon with the work. We had a fine gentle shower for a couple of hours at noon.I was talking to the home folks at different times. This was the last day of commencement. Rob graduated in the College of Pharmacy. We gave him money for a present. Will, Virgil, {and} I all worked in the garden after supper. Thursday June 16th 1904 I was busy with the work all forenoon my last hatch of chickens are not doing very well. I have a good of worry with them. I spent the afternoon up to Mrs McGInnis. Will was in town and he came for me. did the regular evening work.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries