Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 1, 1904-March 31, 1905
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Saturday December 3rd 1904 It was late when we got up. Will went to town in the forenoon and back after dinner. I did [nothing?] but the little housework and cooking and visited with Mollie. She made a few calls down in the valley while I got the supper. It cleared up bright in the afternoon. They tell us Legrand is sick enough for the Dr tonight. Sunday December 4th 1904 A nice day. Mollie went back to town in time for church. I was busy all forenoon. I wrote a long letter to Lydia in the afternoon with other writing and read all the evening. went to bed early. Monday December 5th 1904 Walter came to work this morning and the boys finished cleaning up the old stone pile and fixed a road with stone under the R R bridge out in the field. I did quite a good sized washing but did not get done till after dinner. Tuesday December 6th 1904 I ironed and Will churned for me this morning. I baked a cake and got dinner. Will went to town in the buggy after dinner but got back in time to take me down to the 3:45 car. I went to the library and from there to the M. E. Church to supper. Will, John & Hatte were there. We had such a nice time, came home at 7 oclock. read till bed time. weather fine.
Saturday December 3rd 1904 It was late when we got up. Will went to town in the forenoon and back after dinner. I did [nothing?] but the little housework and cooking and visited with Mollie. She made a few calls down in the valley while I got the supper. It cleared up bright in the afternoon. They tell us Legrand is sick enough for the Dr tonight. Sunday December 4th 1904 A nice day. Mollie went back to town in time for church. I was busy all forenoon. I wrote a long letter to Lydia in the afternoon with other writing and read all the evening. went to bed early. Monday December 5th 1904 Walter came to work this morning and the boys finished cleaning up the old stone pile and fixed a road with stone under the R R bridge out in the field. I did quite a good sized washing but did not get done till after dinner. Tuesday December 6th 1904 I ironed and Will churned for me this morning. I baked a cake and got dinner. Will went to town in the buggy after dinner but got back in time to take me down to the 3:45 car. I went to the library and from there to the M. E. Church to supper. Will, John & Hatte were there. We had such a nice time, came home at 7 oclock. read till bed time. weather fine.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries