Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 1, 1904-March 31, 1905
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Monday December 19th 1904 I was busy most of the forenoon with the work. Hattie & Fannie went to Cedar Rapids today to the funeral of Little Ruth Gates. I called down to Mrs Warrens late in the afternoon. I worked at my tatting and read in the evening. Tuesday December 20th 1904 Will churned for me this morning and I was busy all forenoon. It was pleasant in afternoon and he helped me do the washing and I did other work till time to get supper. Walter was working here today. Mattie Whitaker married today. Wednesday December 21st 1904 The boys hauled straw this forenoon. I was busy with the regular work and after dinner Will went to town and I went as far as home to spend the afternoon. Mr & Mrs Bremner were there. I did evening work and read some. Thursday December 22nd 1904 It was so warm the snow all went away today. I ironed with the kitchen windows open. Walter took the team to help the man on the Thompson place move. It was night when he got home and the supper was late. I did some mending in afternoon. I worked on tatting and read in the evening. I feel very tired tonight.
Monday December 19th 1904 I was busy most of the forenoon with the work. Hattie & Fannie went to Cedar Rapids today to the funeral of Little Ruth Gates. I called down to Mrs Warrens late in the afternoon. I worked at my tatting and read in the evening. Tuesday December 20th 1904 Will churned for me this morning and I was busy all forenoon. It was pleasant in afternoon and he helped me do the washing and I did other work till time to get supper. Walter was working here today. Mattie Whitaker married today. Wednesday December 21st 1904 The boys hauled straw this forenoon. I was busy with the regular work and after dinner Will went to town and I went as far as home to spend the afternoon. Mr & Mrs Bremner were there. I did evening work and read some. Thursday December 22nd 1904 It was so warm the snow all went away today. I ironed with the kitchen windows open. Walter took the team to help the man on the Thompson place move. It was night when he got home and the supper was late. I did some mending in afternoon. I worked on tatting and read in the evening. I feel very tired tonight.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries