Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 1, 1904-March 31, 1905
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Tuesday January 17th 1905 It was some warmer today. Will took down another load of wood to the folks and brought Mother back with him. He took her home about four oclock. I baked ginger cakes in the forenoon. I had a good letter from Lydia. I read most of the evening. Wednesday January 18th 1905 Will took a hog to North Liberty this morning. Walter went to the timber. I had bread baking on hand. Will went to town on the car in the afternoon. I made a lot of mince meat. It had been a busy day and I was very tired when night came. Thursday January 19th 1905 It was a fine day. Will helped me put out a big washing and I cooked three wash boilers full of stuff he brought from Liberty for the chickens. Will churned for me soon after dinner. I had a letter from Fannie. I wrote a few lines to her and Joe Woolf. I was very tired and went to bed early. Friday January 20th 1905 I got the ironing done before eleven oclock and washed out my red calico dress. It is quite mild today. Soon after dinner Will took me up to see Mrs Dennis who is not well and then I came down to see Old Mrs Warren. I had to hurry at my work when I came home. I read a little in the evening and went to bed early.
Tuesday January 17th 1905 It was some warmer today. Will took down another load of wood to the folks and brought Mother back with him. He took her home about four oclock. I baked ginger cakes in the forenoon. I had a good letter from Lydia. I read most of the evening. Wednesday January 18th 1905 Will took a hog to North Liberty this morning. Walter went to the timber. I had bread baking on hand. Will went to town on the car in the afternoon. I made a lot of mince meat. It had been a busy day and I was very tired when night came. Thursday January 19th 1905 It was a fine day. Will helped me put out a big washing and I cooked three wash boilers full of stuff he brought from Liberty for the chickens. Will churned for me soon after dinner. I had a letter from Fannie. I wrote a few lines to her and Joe Woolf. I was very tired and went to bed early. Friday January 20th 1905 I got the ironing done before eleven oclock and washed out my red calico dress. It is quite mild today. Soon after dinner Will took me up to see Mrs Dennis who is not well and then I came down to see Old Mrs Warren. I had to hurry at my work when I came home. I read a little in the evening and went to bed early.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries