Iowa Byington Reed diary, May 1, 1904-March 31, 1905
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Tuesday March 7th 1905 I washed out a few things this morning. Walter went to the timber. Hattie was out in the afternoon for her butter. I still cough some. Was busy with my tatting and reading what spare time I had. Wednesday March 8th 1905 I worked a little more this morning and got the dinner. The men were busy about the place part of the time. Will went down town in afternoon by car. weather pleasanter. Thursday March 9th 1905 I baked bread & cake, ironed some, and had churning done. I was busy with the house work most of the day. looked like storm tonight. Friday March 10th 1905 A bright morning. I got my work done early and went down home on the 9:30 car and did not get home till 5:30. Had such a good time. Will took care of things here at the house. colder tonight. Saturday March 11th 1905 Did some mending in forenoon. Got dinner in good time. Will went to town on the 12:30. I put in most of the afternoon sweeping. went to bed early. Sunday March 12th 1905 I was busy about the work most of the forenoon. I read all afternoon and evening. Walter got word his sister who lives in Wyoming, Ill was very sick. He started in the might with his sister Mrs [Reaves?] to go over there.
Tuesday March 7th 1905 I washed out a few things this morning. Walter went to the timber. Hattie was out in the afternoon for her butter. I still cough some. Was busy with my tatting and reading what spare time I had. Wednesday March 8th 1905 I worked a little more this morning and got the dinner. The men were busy about the place part of the time. Will went down town in afternoon by car. weather pleasanter. Thursday March 9th 1905 I baked bread & cake, ironed some, and had churning done. I was busy with the house work most of the day. looked like storm tonight. Friday March 10th 1905 A bright morning. I got my work done early and went down home on the 9:30 car and did not get home till 5:30. Had such a good time. Will took care of things here at the house. colder tonight. Saturday March 11th 1905 Did some mending in forenoon. Got dinner in good time. Will went to town on the 12:30. I put in most of the afternoon sweeping. went to bed early. Sunday March 12th 1905 I was busy about the work most of the forenoon. I read all afternoon and evening. Walter got word his sister who lives in Wyoming, Ill was very sick. He started in the might with his sister Mrs [Reaves?] to go over there.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries