Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 1, 1905-December 31, 1906
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Tuesday April 25, 1905 I had ironing and churning today. I felt awful lame and tired. It rained all day long. I slept part of the afternoon. I did not feel able to even sew a little. We were going down to a home entertainment at the Opera house but gave it up the weather was so bad. Fathers birthday, 89 years. Wednesday April 26, 1905 The weather some better today. I sewed some when not busy with the regular work. Will went to town in afternoon. Walter worked on the wood pile all day. I have chickens hatching which take lots of my time. I felt better today. Thursday April 27, 1905 I hurried through my work and went down town on the eight oclock car to get some things and came back at ten. I got the dinner over and worked out doors most of the afternoon with Walter doing things I wanted done. Will went to town in afternoon. weather very pleasant. The boys took four yearling heifers to town they brought $97.65. Friday April 28, 1905 Will churned for me and I washed out a dress and things for myself and got the dinner. The boys are plowing again today. I felt too tired to go down home this afternoon. I sewed a little, rested some, and did the evening work. My little chickens are so much care. I have set more hens this week.
Tuesday April 25, 1905 I had ironing and churning today. I felt awful lame and tired. It rained all day long. I slept part of the afternoon. I did not feel able to even sew a little. We were going down to a home entertainment at the Opera house but gave it up the weather was so bad. Fathers birthday, 89 years. Wednesday April 26, 1905 The weather some better today. I sewed some when not busy with the regular work. Will went to town in afternoon. Walter worked on the wood pile all day. I have chickens hatching which take lots of my time. I felt better today. Thursday April 27, 1905 I hurried through my work and went down town on the eight oclock car to get some things and came back at ten. I got the dinner over and worked out doors most of the afternoon with Walter doing things I wanted done. Will went to town in afternoon. weather very pleasant. The boys took four yearling heifers to town they brought $97.65. Friday April 28, 1905 Will churned for me and I washed out a dress and things for myself and got the dinner. The boys are plowing again today. I felt too tired to go down home this afternoon. I sewed a little, rested some, and did the evening work. My little chickens are so much care. I have set more hens this week.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries