Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 1, 1905-December 31, 1906
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Thursday June 1st 1905 I had churning this morning and berries to pick. I did a very little sewing. I went down town in afternoon to help sew on Mothers dress. Hattie was gone and we left it. We were down at Fannies. She is not well. It is 18 years today since they were married. I called at Woolfs coming home. Friday June 2nd 1905 I did a lot of sweeping and cleaning today and picked berries in afternoon. I was busy the whole day and did accomplish a lot. Was not so very tired for I did not hurry. Saturday June 3rd 1905 Will and I both put in a very busy forenoon and went to town in afternoon. I took Mother with me. We went to the cooking school awhile. Will and I came on home in good time. Was busy till nearly bed time. Sunday June 4th 1905 I was busy all forenoon. Weather very warm. I wrote to Lydia, Joe Woolf, Emma Allen & Maurice Culbertson in afternoon. All four of my turkey eggs hatched today. Monday June 5th 1905 I had churning and berries to pick this morning. Father & Mother came out. They went home at four oclock. I picked berries after they were gone. I got my mail all started today. Weather still very warm.
Thursday June 1st 1905 I had churning this morning and berries to pick. I did a very little sewing. I went down town in afternoon to help sew on Mothers dress. Hattie was gone and we left it. We were down at Fannies. She is not well. It is 18 years today since they were married. I called at Woolfs coming home. Friday June 2nd 1905 I did a lot of sweeping and cleaning today and picked berries in afternoon. I was busy the whole day and did accomplish a lot. Was not so very tired for I did not hurry. Saturday June 3rd 1905 Will and I both put in a very busy forenoon and went to town in afternoon. I took Mother with me. We went to the cooking school awhile. Will and I came on home in good time. Was busy till nearly bed time. Sunday June 4th 1905 I was busy all forenoon. Weather very warm. I wrote to Lydia, Joe Woolf, Emma Allen & Maurice Culbertson in afternoon. All four of my turkey eggs hatched today. Monday June 5th 1905 I had churning and berries to pick this morning. Father & Mother came out. They went home at four oclock. I picked berries after they were gone. I got my mail all started today. Weather still very warm.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries