Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 1, 1905-December 31, 1906
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Monday October 22nd 1905 I had churning and bread baking to do and got up a nice baked chicken dinner. The boys are busy trying to finish digging the potatoes. I cleaned the garret in the afternoon. we were all tired enough to go to bed early. Will churned for me. Tuesday October 24th 1905 We got an early start at the work this morning. Will took Otts potatoes to them and then went on over to Mr Rouchs to help Eli Hill unload the hay. I began washing and he helped me finish. I took some things down to the rummage sale in afternoon. I bought a hanging lamp. I had to hurry with my evening work it was so late when I got home. The boys got the last of the potatoes in, 123 bushels and 46 sold. A letter from Lydia Mason and one from Aunt Sarah Moon. Wednesday October 25th 1905 I ironed and made quince preserves in forenoon and made apple butter in afternoon, did mending and put the clothes away. Will went up to Williams for a hog he bought before he went to Rauchs to unload hay. They took two loads over there today. he sold more in town. Fred & Mollie Stevens out for supper and to spend the evening. Thursday October 26th 1905 Will churned for me. I was busy most of the forenoon with the work. Mrs Robinson here for dinner. Will helped me grind the green tomatoes. We went to town in afternoon. I called at John Stevens. It was late but we hurried through the evening work in time. Rummage sale over $90.00. Will and I engaged 21 years today.
Monday October 22nd 1905 I had churning and bread baking to do and got up a nice baked chicken dinner. The boys are busy trying to finish digging the potatoes. I cleaned the garret in the afternoon. we were all tired enough to go to bed early. Will churned for me. Tuesday October 24th 1905 We got an early start at the work this morning. Will took Otts potatoes to them and then went on over to Mr Rouchs to help Eli Hill unload the hay. I began washing and he helped me finish. I took some things down to the rummage sale in afternoon. I bought a hanging lamp. I had to hurry with my evening work it was so late when I got home. The boys got the last of the potatoes in, 123 bushels and 46 sold. A letter from Lydia Mason and one from Aunt Sarah Moon. Wednesday October 25th 1905 I ironed and made quince preserves in forenoon and made apple butter in afternoon, did mending and put the clothes away. Will went up to Williams for a hog he bought before he went to Rauchs to unload hay. They took two loads over there today. he sold more in town. Fred & Mollie Stevens out for supper and to spend the evening. Thursday October 26th 1905 Will churned for me. I was busy most of the forenoon with the work. Mrs Robinson here for dinner. Will helped me grind the green tomatoes. We went to town in afternoon. I called at John Stevens. It was late but we hurried through the evening work in time. Rummage sale over $90.00. Will and I engaged 21 years today.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries