Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 1, 1905-December 31, 1906
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Wednesday May 2nd 1906 I did washing this morning. There was a cold wind. I went down town in afternoon for meat. I came back on same car. Did a little more sewing. Will plowing the little field of Mrs Clarks. Thursday May 3rd 1906 I ironed this morning and Rueben helped me put the meat to smoke in a barrel. The men have finished the fences and Rueben has been picking up the old stuff. I worked all afternoon looking over rag bags and putting then to rights. Friday May 4th 1906 We put fire to the old log down in the front yard again this morning. Rueben churned for me. Rob brought Hattie out to spend the day. I had the first chickens hatch today. I did not get much work out of Rueben today as I could not be with him. I went down to the depot with Hattie at five 30. The cars run oftener since the first of the month. Saturday May 5th 1906 I baked bread and cleaned out some cup-boards. I set 5 more hens today. I have 40 chicks that three hens hatched for me. It is cold and ugly wind blowing. Will went to town in evening after plowing all day. 12 years today since the big hail storm.
Wednesday May 2nd 1906 I did washing this morning. There was a cold wind. I went down town in afternoon for meat. I came back on same car. Did a little more sewing. Will plowing the little field of Mrs Clarks. Thursday May 3rd 1906 I ironed this morning and Rueben helped me put the meat to smoke in a barrel. The men have finished the fences and Rueben has been picking up the old stuff. I worked all afternoon looking over rag bags and putting then to rights. Friday May 4th 1906 We put fire to the old log down in the front yard again this morning. Rueben churned for me. Rob brought Hattie out to spend the day. I had the first chickens hatch today. I did not get much work out of Rueben today as I could not be with him. I went down to the depot with Hattie at five 30. The cars run oftener since the first of the month. Saturday May 5th 1906 I baked bread and cleaned out some cup-boards. I set 5 more hens today. I have 40 chicks that three hens hatched for me. It is cold and ugly wind blowing. Will went to town in evening after plowing all day. 12 years today since the big hail storm.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries