Iowa Byington Reed diary, April 1, 1905-December 31, 1906
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Tuesday May 29th 1906 I did ironing this morning. Got the dinner and out in the afternoon putting up curtains and little things to rights. It was cloudy today. Will to town awhile. Rob Whetstone is 23 years old today. Wednesday May 30th 1906 I cleaned the kitchen in the forenoon and did some work in the shed in afternoon. Will about the place most of the day. Rueben plowing corn. Thursday May 31st 1906 I worked at the house cleaning when not busy with the regular work. I swept the parlor in forenoon. In afternoon cleaned wood-work and got the linen down on the stairs with Wills help. weather very pleasant but we do need rain so much. Friday June 1st 1906 I had churning on hand this forenoon and got a little down at cleaning and finished things to right in south room up stairs. I was busy all afternoon. Will to town. We had supper in good time and rode down to Otts to see Mr Rowe and Kate from Oakland who are visiting here. Ott & Fannie have been married 19 years today. Mother & Hattie were down there for the evening too.
Tuesday May 29th 1906 I did ironing this morning. Got the dinner and out in the afternoon putting up curtains and little things to rights. It was cloudy today. Will to town awhile. Rob Whetstone is 23 years old today. Wednesday May 30th 1906 I cleaned the kitchen in the forenoon and did some work in the shed in afternoon. Will about the place most of the day. Rueben plowing corn. Thursday May 31st 1906 I worked at the house cleaning when not busy with the regular work. I swept the parlor in forenoon. In afternoon cleaned wood-work and got the linen down on the stairs with Wills help. weather very pleasant but we do need rain so much. Friday June 1st 1906 I had churning on hand this forenoon and got a little down at cleaning and finished things to right in south room up stairs. I was busy all afternoon. Will to town. We had supper in good time and rode down to Otts to see Mr Rowe and Kate from Oakland who are visiting here. Ott & Fannie have been married 19 years today. Mother & Hattie were down there for the evening too.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries