Iowa Byington Reed diary, July 1, 1902-July 31, 1903
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Saturday December 13th 1902 I sewed a little in the forenoon and Ida ironed. Will and I went to town. I was at the Dr office. We stopped at home and found Clara Shultz sick in bed with Dr Dean attending. I sewed on my waist all evening. weather pleasanter. Sunday December 14th 1902 It was a cold day and at night set in to snow. Ida was in town all day. Mollie did not come back tonight. I was busy about the house most of the forenoon and read and wrote in the afternoon. Monday December 15th 1902 It was a cold day. I helped with the work and sewed on a striped waist I am making for myself. Tuesday December 16th 1902 I was sewing all the spare time I had. The weather was a little more moderate. Mt Vaughn dressed a nice young beef for Will. Mollie came home for her dinner today.
Saturday December 13th 1902 I sewed a little in the forenoon and Ida ironed. Will and I went to town. I was at the Dr office. We stopped at home and found Clara Shultz sick in bed with Dr Dean attending. I sewed on my waist all evening. weather pleasanter. Sunday December 14th 1902 It was a cold day and at night set in to snow. Ida was in town all day. Mollie did not come back tonight. I was busy about the house most of the forenoon and read and wrote in the afternoon. Monday December 15th 1902 It was a cold day. I helped with the work and sewed on a striped waist I am making for myself. Tuesday December 16th 1902 I was sewing all the spare time I had. The weather was a little more moderate. Mt Vaughn dressed a nice young beef for Will. Mollie came home for her dinner today.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries