Iowa Byington Reed diary, July 1, 1902-July 31, 1903
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Wednesday February 18th 1903 It was the coldest day of the season. We could do nothing but keep fires and do the regular work. Will busy with the care of the stock. Two years today since we moved here. Thursday February 19th 1903 It snowed till nearly noon and after that was somewhat warmed. Will could not go to Willie Andersons sale today. I baked bread, churned, and baked a cake to take down home tomorrow. Friday February 20th 1903 It was 58 years today since Father & Mother were married. We got the work down up and went down home where there was quite a company. I helped with the dinner. Fannie came home. She says her Mother is about the same. We came home before it was late. weather more pleasant. Mollie went to town after her school was out tonight.
Wednesday February 18th 1903 It was the coldest day of the season. We could do nothing but keep fires and do the regular work. Will busy with the care of the stock. Two years today since we moved here. Thursday February 19th 1903 It snowed till nearly noon and after that was somewhat warmed. Will could not go to Willie Andersons sale today. I baked bread, churned, and baked a cake to take down home tomorrow. Friday February 20th 1903 It was 58 years today since Father & Mother were married. We got the work down up and went down home where there was quite a company. I helped with the dinner. Fannie came home. She says her Mother is about the same. We came home before it was late. weather more pleasant. Mollie went to town after her school was out tonight.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries