Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
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bread be sure yn make it not to stif sred & stir into it some canded orringe & lemon sweeten it with white suger to yr taste beat ym all well together buter yr cloth very well let ye water be squesd out of ye [clothe?] first yn buter yr cloth & dust it with flower very well yn put in ye pudin & tie it very quick up & put it in ye pot yr must first boyle fast
bread be sure yn make it not to stif sred & stir into it some canded orringe & lemon sweeten it with white suger to yr taste beat ym all well together buter yr cloth very well let ye water be squesd out of ye [clothe?] first yn buter yr cloth & dust it with flower very well yn put in ye pudin & tie it very quick up & put it in ye pot yr must first boyle fast
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks