Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 19
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comon rise pudin Take 4 or 5 ounses of rise when pickt & washt well boyle it in springe water a litle too take out ye saltness & sowerness yt rise sometimes hath yn rune it through a hare sive drane it very well yn take neer 2 quarts of milk or a cording as yr rise is in goodness some times it take more & some tims less sinament 2 or 3 blads of mase but ye sure way is not too put in too much at first yn yu may helpe it it to thick if yu wold have it better put in some crame at ye later end of yr byling when it is a good thickness take it of ye fier when cold have redy beaten 2 eggs mix ym with yr rise buter ye botom of yr dish & bake it: yu may boyle yr pudin if yu plase but yu must put in 1 or 2 eggs more & frut if yu have a mind if yu make ye rise thiner & put in grated bred it will make rise milk pudin lighter order yr rise as for yr pudin prity thick when boyled anoufe thine it with crame as yu wold have yr milk sweeten it with powder suger & thicken it with eggs
comon rise pudin Take 4 or 5 ounses of rise when pickt & washt well boyle it in springe water a litle too take out ye saltness & sowerness yt rise sometimes hath yn rune it through a hare sive drane it very well yn take neer 2 quarts of milk or a cording as yr rise is in goodness some times it take more & some tims less sinament 2 or 3 blads of mase but ye sure way is not too put in too much at first yn yu may helpe it it to thick if yu wold have it better put in some crame at ye later end of yr byling when it is a good thickness take it of ye fier when cold have redy beaten 2 eggs mix ym with yr rise buter ye botom of yr dish & bake it: yu may boyle yr pudin if yu plase but yu must put in 1 or 2 eggs more & frut if yu have a mind if yu make ye rise thiner & put in grated bred it will make rise milk pudin lighter order yr rise as for yr pudin prity thick when boyled anoufe thine it with crame as yu wold have yr milk sweeten it with powder suger & thicken it with eggs
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks