Penelope Pemberton cookbook, Dec. 19, 1716
Page 22
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tansy pudin pint a halfe gill new milk a peny lofe grated poure yr milk hot one ye bred Let it stand tel well sockt yn ad to it 6 eggs well baten suger & nutmeg to yr tast greene it with juse of spinige or whot grene yu plase tast it with juse of tansey wet buttr & flower yr cloth an oure & quarter boyls it for biskit [may?] put half [pound ye tansay?] grat [illegible] sarve it with sack buttr & [illegible] pound of savi biskit baten small 1 quart of crame 10 eggs Lave out 2 whits, nutmeg grated mix all these together tast it with tansay juse greene it with spinige juse sweeten it to yr tast mix all well together. yn set it one a slo fier ceep it stering tell it be scars so thick as hasty pudin yn buter a disk ye sise ye wold have yr tansay put yr tansay in & spred it set it over a stove or chafindis not to hot lest it burne when yn think it anoufe one that side buter another dish ye same sise & turne it carfully into it set it one ye stove a little garnish on here fine suger oringe & lemon
tansy pudin pint a halfe gill new milk a peny lofe grated poure yr milk hot one ye bred Let it stand tel well sockt yn ad to it 6 eggs well baten suger & nutmeg to yr tast greene it with juse of spinige or whot grene yu plase tast it with juse of tansey wet buttr & flower yr cloth an oure & quarter boyls it for biskit [may?] put half [pound ye tansay?] grat [illegible] sarve it with sack buttr & [illegible] pound of savi biskit baten small 1 quart of crame 10 eggs Lave out 2 whits, nutmeg grated mix all these together tast it with tansay juse greene it with spinige juse sweeten it to yr tast mix all well together. yn set it one a slo fier ceep it stering tell it be scars so thick as hasty pudin yn buter a disk ye sise ye wold have yr tansay put yr tansay in & spred it set it over a stove or chafindis not to hot lest it burne when yn think it anoufe one that side buter another dish ye same sise & turne it carfully into it set it one ye stove a little garnish on here fine suger oringe & lemon
Szathmary Culinary Manuscripts and Cookbooks